Wayland Union Schools has announced the varsity football game at home against Middleville Thornapple Kellogg will start at 5:30 Friday rather than the customary 7 p.m.

The school district sent out a letter and news release from the Allegan County Health Department on recommendations for mosquito protection and urging caution after several cases of a rare, mosquito-borne virus called Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) have been reported in eight Michigan counties, including Van Buren, Cass, Berrien and Kalamazoo.

Though there have not been any reported cases of EEE in Allegan County as of Thursday, Wayland Union Schools has decided to move up the home varsity football game vs. TK Friday, Sept. 20, to a 5:30 kickoff.

“Please note this is ONLY a precautionary measure,” a school district spokesperspon said, urging people to follow these guidelines when spending time outdoors to reduce the risk of disease carried by mosquitoes:

  • Apply insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET, or other U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registered product to exposed skin or clothing, and always follow the manufacturer’s directions for use
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors and apply insect repellent to clothing
  • Maintain window and door screening to help keep mosquitoes outside
  • Empty water from mosquito breeding sites around the home, such as buckets, unused kiddie pools, old tires or similar sites where mosquitoes may lay eggs
  • Use nets and/or fans over outdoor eating areas

Please use the following website for guidance from the CDC on prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/easternequineencephalitis/gen/pre.html

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