Most people love kittRanger Rick Art_7_0_0ies and/or puppies. They are cute and cuddly and love the attention. Billions of dollars are spent on food, care and shelter for cats and dogs each year. They are rescued, washed, powdered, pampered, petted and well fed. Such is the life of those depending on our love and support.

Babies (fetus, blob of tissue, blob of cells, unviable life) are not so lucky. If they are within a womb of a woman wanting a child, they are probably safe. If they aren’t in a womb of a caring adult, they are in possible trouble in developing to full term and delivered. There were 327,166 abortions in 2013 performed by Planned Parenthood (more than one-third of all abortions performed yearly). This organization received $540.6 million federal unbudgeted dollars – your tax money – to support killing babies in the womb.

The same people who worry about saving stray animals, whales, polar bears and every other animal shown on TV usually get real testy when abortion is brought up. I confess, I am a “Right to Life” supporter and hope many others reading this are also, and you give freely of your money, time, or both in saving the unborn. I also love puppies, kittens, whales and polar bears, but not the same as human life.

When I was a young man, the abortion argument was being played out in the media and later in the courts. When upheld by the Supreme Court (I didn’t know the Supreme Court made law?) in Roe vs. Wade – that landmark federal abortion case that made abortion legal in the United States, babies in the womb didn’t have a chance if their creators (or owners? – since women “own” their bodies) didn’t want to carry to birth. The other part of this equation, the male involved in making this creation, didn’t have a say or legal right to oppose abortion if the woman wanted to kill the baby. When it was passed, I was for it. Sorry to say, I was a liberal and Democrat, greatly influenced by my peers and family members.

Over time, my heart was softened and my eyes opened to realize what a huge mistake and stain this was upon our collective country’s soul – we were no longer with God, we were against Him. All those things we were taught in church and Sunday school were at odds with what we were now faced with – anybody could get an abortion at any time. More than 50 million abortions have been performed in this country since the historic 1973 ruling.

You tell me, are we better off, more “enlightened” in our sexual attitudes?   Are we comfortable with killing babies? Do those would be mothers know what is being done when an abortion is performed on their baby? I doubt it, because if they ever saw what was done during an abortion and its aftermath (the body parts torn apart) and being dropped into a bucket to be emptied like trash, they may elect never to seek such a horrific “solution” to their “problem”.  This is God’s gift being thrown out with the garbage. That’s what we’ve become to be more sophisticated, more erudite, more civilized? Really?

If you detest reading this and think I’m crude and rude for saying such things, I hope you get help. Those of you who don’t care, I hope you get help. For those of you whom have already suffered this procedure, I hope you get help and counseling and realize God will forgive you if you ask Him. For all those thinking abortion is wrong and a sin and stain upon the United States for allowing such an atrocity to happen, please show your support in writing, responding to this and local media whenever and wherever you can, and support Right to Life — God bless you!

Do you think turning from God’s teaching and Commandments is a good thing? I’m not a church attendee, but I believe in God and what is right and wrong. I would never tell you something I don’t believe in. Abortion is the Nazification of the United States – we are no better than the Nazis and eugenic supporters of the past. I would ask for God’s forgiveness, but I think it is too late unless we see as a country supporting abortion is wrong.

The rotting of the United States from the inside continues…



1 Comment

Robert L Howell
October 19, 2021
You are making an absurd comparison in order to justify your idea What rots America is sophomoric thinking Abortion need not be encouraged as a first option to remain as it should be safe and legal

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