ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

Anyone who would like to sign the petitioFireworks tentn to repeal Michigan’s fireworks law enacted in 2011 can go to

I hope this is one of those few times we the people can take back our government. The State Legislature several years ago took matters into their own hands by passing a law that permitted virtually everybody to set off fireworks in neighborhoods and all over this land.

Lawmakers did draw back a bit after public outrage by cutting back the days they could be launched to the day before, the day of and the day after holidays, but they’re being set just about any old time. It’s a lot like bumping the speed limit from 70 to 75 because everybody’s driving that fast any way. So “everybody” then starts driving at 80.

The fireworks law is just one of many awful adventures these Bozos in Lansing have perpetrated against us over the past five years. It was passed for one reason and one reason only — money.

Allowing the common everyday folks routinely to play with fire is dangerous, and there are many examples we’re heard, seen and read about in the news. The latest fiasco was that fire started by three young people next to the Ford Freeway just east of Grand Rapids. Lot’s not forget the church that was severely damaged a couple of years ago, started by careless use of fireworks.

This is not to mention by the too frequent disturbances of the peace in neighborhoods that just might start neighborhood skirmishes, when adults who refused to grow up light up the skies and launch noisemakers that frighten dogs and veterans, who say they sound too much like firefights they experienced overseas.

Anybody who has read townbroadcast more than a few times knows I have long and loudly railed against the fireworks law. But I am not alone. A poll taken a year ago by the MLive Grand Rapids showed nearly two-thirds of respondents favored repeal of the fireworks law.

Now comes a group that has circulated on-line petitions, one of which I have signed without hesitation. The State Legislature must be told in no uncertain terms that laws for the benefit of the fireworks industry and childish fantasies of adults who won’t grow up, and in detriment to the health and public safety of the people, are bad laws that must be repealed. Since they won’t do it, let’s let the people decide at the polls and leave fireworks displays to the professionals who know what they’re doing.

Please join me in signing the petition at the above web site. Then let’s vote to repeal a bad law in November. It’s the least we can do since we too often elect these same Bozos over and over again.

1 Comment

Mike williams
June 28, 2016
What would my less then smart neighbor do with his stash of explosives which he likes to light off in the middle of this dry spell? ( last Saturday evening!) Pure rocket science if you ask me... Genius.....

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