by Robert M. Traxler

According to the DeArmy Bob Salutespartment of Justice (DOJ), we as a nation need a special Domestic Terrorism Council to protect us from libertarians, constitutionalists and conservatives.

The establishment of a separate division inside DOJ that will live or die as a government agency with the jobs and benefits it brings depends on finding the vast right-wing conspiracy. The Domestic Terrorism Council will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, with its leadership indeed fostering radical right-wing dissention.

The DOJ cites almost twice the number of Americans killed in the last ten years by right wing terrorists than (what do we call them) Islamic terrorists? Jihadist attacks? Foreign influenced murders? Work place violence? Who knows what today’s politically correct name is.

If we look at the 48 murders committed since 9/11, reportedly by right-wing extremists, some are questionable to say the least. The 26 murders committed by Jihadists no doubt exist as to the motivation of the murderer.

It is politically correct to feel we need to fear the right more than Jihadists; after all, just look at the numbers. The maximum crime prevention effort has been on preventing Jihadist attacks for the last dozen years. As we shift our effort and hundreds of millions of dollars per year to the scourge of libertarians, constitutionalists and murdering, dirty, maniacal conservatives, we will see the numbers more than reversed. Mass killings will be easier for the Muslim terrorists because our law enforcement efforts will be looking in a different but more politically correct direction.

Bob Traxler_0This, in the eyes of the Islamic world, divinely driven success of the Warriors of Allah against the godless infidels is fueling radical Islam. It is extending its direct military ground operations in Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan and various African nations. ISIS/ISIL is expanding worldwide, indeed sending dozens of terrorists to predominantly Christian nations each and every day.

Our current administration’s reaction to the spreading of radical Islam is to ignore it and divert assets to investigating conservative Americans. The emphasis will be on those anti-American radicals like my wife and I who took an oath to support and defend the constitution when we joined the United States Army.

What is our progressive government’s reaction to the rapid growth of jihadists? To discontinue a Terrorism Counteraction Plan that has worked to some extent and protected us for over a decade, and instituting our own jihad against those who believe in the American Constitution, those truly dangerous supporters of the Bill of Rights.

President Obama cannot run for president again, so he is free to show his true colors and to put into practice his left-wing vision of America. He is free to say how he feels about Israel and the majority of the American people.

We will see a good bit of government by royal proclamation in the next few months; President Obama will only be restrained by pressure from left-wingers that do not want him to damage the Democratic Party’s chances for retaining the presidency.

The Department of Justice, as directed by President Obama is spending millions to instigate new programs; the same failed 1960/70s programs aimed at helping the true victims of our judicial system: the criminal offender. President Obama announced he is resurrecting the 1960s Great Society programs, ones that failed miserably, which are long on sympathy for the felon and has almost no references to or concern for the victim.

One of the curses of growing old is knowledge gained through past experience; all this crap is the same old failed programs with more money tossed at them and with loftier names. We will spend millions to help few and crime will return to the unacceptably dangerous levels of the 1960/70s.

The good news is we will have fewer felons incarcerated; the bad news is we will have more victims of violent crime. The concentration of criminal activity will be in the same poor majority neighborhoods the social justice advocates pretend to champion.

Will these social justices, progressive, liberal folks ever be mugged by reality? Statistically, for every one they may help, nine innocent people will become victims of crime.

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