Whatever happened to flag presented in 1919 to WHS?

David Britten

The community of Wayland was gifted with a huge American flag just over 100 years ago, but it seems few, if any, know what eventually happened to it.

David Britten, former Pine Street Elementary Principal and retired Wyoming Lee Superintendent, asked the question, “When the WWI Picric Acid plant in Wyoming Township was abandoned by the U.S. Army, Major W. P. Rothrock, constructing engineer for the plant, gave the installation’s 12- x 24-foot American flag to Wayland High School (Jan. 20, 1919). I’m wondering what ever happened to it?”

A newspaper clipping from the time reported, “A program under the auspices of the Red Cross Committee of Wayland will be given at the Christian Church (on West Superior Street) this evening. The feature of the program will be the presentation of a 12-by-24-foot American flag to the Wayland Public Schools by Dr. Ira Slater, who was appointed custodian of the flag by Maj. W. P. Rothrock, commander of the construction engineers at the picric acid plant near Grand Rapids. The flag was purchased some time ago by employees of Division E of the picric acid plant.”

The Grand Rapids Press also reported that movies of soldiers were shown at the Christian Church ceremony.

However, no one seems to know what happened to the flag afterward, including the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr, which was contacted.

COVER PHOTO: The Christian Church on West Superior, site of the flag presentation ceremony.


  1. Debra

    Good question, David. Pretty sad, when history is allowed to slip through the cracks, into the memory hole.

  2. Nicholas Harnish

    Is that the flag that hangs on the back wall of the Pine Street Gym?

    • David Britten

      No, that flag came from the Chevrolet dealer in Wyoming that sat at Burlingame and 28th Street. It was frayed on the end and they were going to replace it. We had the frayed part cut off and began using it at Pine Street when I was principal there. Good question and good memory, though.

  3. David Britten

    Read this in the Jan 24, 1919 Globe from the Town Broadcast: Elizabeth Clark sang “Dear Old Flag” at the ceremony in which the Picric Acid Plant presented a huge U.S. flag to Wayland High School. Supt. Floyd Boughner accepted on behalf of the district.

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