To the editor:

After months of contemplation, I’ve decided it’s time to share my thoughts with Townbroadcast. Recent comments on the Wayland Youth Sports Facebook page questioning the purchase of apparel with a different Wayland Union Wildcat logo prompted me to speak up.
The Wayland Union football program is starting its third year with a new version of the Wayland Union Schools Wildcat mascot on their helmets. Looking back at the program’s history, there have been various logos on the helmets over the years, including claw marks and the word “Cats.” Which seems preferable to creating a new version of our school mascot.
It has been said that the Wayland Union Wildcat logo is difficult to apply to helmets and doesn’t look good, despite being used in the past. I understand that football programs generate the majority of athletics revenue, but no single program should have the authority to change the mascot. It’s disappointing that the district has permitted the football program to do this.
During Board meetings and community forums, board members have expressed concerns about the inconsistency of our sports teams and school parent organizations in using our school logo and colors. As a result, they believe we should rebrand Wayland Union Schools.
Throughout our district, it’s clear that the two main logos are the intertwined “WU” and the Wildcat. The Employee Handbook explicitly states: “Wayland Union School colors are dark green and white (black accents are allowed). The school district mascot is the right-facing Wildcat.
The board has also mentioned that the intertwined “WU” logo has not received their official approval. My question to them is: Why not? What are we waiting for? This logo is already prominently displayed throughout the district, including on several sports fields, such as the new soccer field turf.
If board members do not support our Wayland Wildcat or the intertwined “WU,” should the decision rest solely on their vote? As a Wayland alumnus, community member, and parent of Wayland students, I believe it should not. The district and the Board should be more transparent and seek input from those of us who have a stake in these decisions.
A branding company may offer to meet with the district and the board to create mock-ups of new alternative logos at no cost. However, if the district chooses to move in a different direction later on, all existing logos will need to be replaced, which will incur costs. There are certainly more effective ways to use district funds.
Have Board of Education members taken the time to research the history of the Wayland Union logos? The Wayland Union mascot has represented the school since 1982, with minor changes over the years. The intertwined “WU” design was introduced in 1995. This logo and mascot have withstood the test of time, representing Wayland Union Schools for decades.
This November, our community will be asked to elect or re-elect Board of Education members. I want board members who prioritize the safety, security, and education of our Wayland Union students. I won’t be voting for those who have spent countless years and hours trying to “rebrand” Wayland Union Schools.
Howard Koopman, WHS alumnus athlete, parent
Howards words: “all existing logos will need to be replaced, which will incur costs. There are certainly more effective ways to use district funds.” “I won’t be voting for those who have spent countless years and hours trying to “rebrand” Wayland Union Schools.” Nicely done Howard, you are spot on with your analysis. This administration has much bigger problems facing them to worry about the heavy lifting of a scary wildcat. They should be focusing on test scores, student enrollment, security etc. Can you imagine what rebranding would cost the district; signage alone would be crazy expensive. Interesting Reeves and Co bring these issues forward after the millage requests were granted and the raises were handed out. In my opinion it’s time for leadership change in this district. Cheers!!
Hi John, please see my comment below 🙂
I highly dislike the new logo!! Stick the original.
As a school board candidate for WUS in November, I believe that it is both common sense to have consistency with district logos and colors, as well as common sense that this should not take overlong or incur additional costs for the district. I reached out to Mr. Reeves to check my understanding of the branding situation and he confirmed that there is NO additional cost to the district and nothing new will be purchased for the logo alone. (Also a reminder that bond/millage money can not go towards staff salaries so there is no risk of misuse there.)
There is a committee of school stakeholders including administrators, board members, coaches and teachers to establish a standard going forward to make sure there is conformity when new things DO need to be purchased due to wearing out, etc. They will make a determination as a group on what will be the logo (or logos) used when items that need a mascot or a school graphic are purchased from here on out. The Soccer turf and the gym floor that are both new will not be changed, torn up, or otherwise changed beyond general maintenance. And as bond construction takes place, they needed to make sure all the new signage for the new areas being built were consistent. The logo will be trademarked and owned by WUS and will be going forward. No risk of losing rights to it.
I agree that the process seems drawn out, but this is because it began under the prior superintendent and the committee work was paused as Mr. Reeves came onboard. They have been actively discussing since May, but had to pause again over the summer when teachers were off. I appreciate there being a committee to get the input of a variety of voices, but committee work does move slower.
Although it’s logical that there be consistency going forward, there ARE more important issues that the district needs to be concerned about. It is because other issues are more pressing and important that the branding committee is moving slower. Teachers need time to get their students off to a strong start, the facility manager is working hard with his team to get the spaces ready for our school community, etc. That should and does take priority. But I believe the decisions should be made in a timely fashion so things are settled going forward.
The letter-writer is correct that there are many more important issues that districts need to handle, but as a teacher myself, I know firsthand that schools always must manage the imperative issues while still addressing the mundane. That is part of the work of education. For example, we can and should be able to address the color of new signage while also purchasing and installing new security equipment, as indeed WUS is currently doing.
I am not a district employee or otherwise involved in these decisions, other than as an interested parent and community member. But if elected to the board in November, I will do my part to ensure that WUS is a safe school environment, a good steward of our funds, and provides for the learning needs of all of our students.
Erin’s words: “(Also a reminder that bond/millage money can not go towards staff salaries so there is no risk of misuse there.)” I assume you are directing this statement towards me……..I NEVER indicated there was any misuse bond/millage money for Reeves and Co raises they handed out for the heavy lifting he has done for the district. My point is that they waited for the millage request to get passed before handing out raises and paying one million dollars for yet another building. I wanted to make sure we are crystal clear……..Cheers!!
I will not be drinking that Koolaid, no additional costs this year or maybe the following, but if you truly believe that they will not allocate funds towards this and let a hodge podge of wildcat icons be inconsistent throughout the school then you truly have not been around. Can’t wait for the pie graph to come out so we can STILL NOT understand the usage of funds.
I think everyone is missing where this all came from. Wayland Youth Soorts changed their logo. Wayland Youth Sports is run by Dan Cassini. Dan is also a school board member and a coach of the high school football team…a team which magically showed up this season with the same logo as the youth sports.
There are two issues with this. First is an issue of one school board member feeling they are above the rules and can implement a new logo for their team.
Second is the lack of oversight of administration in approving those decisions. The new logos aren’t the first. Other sports have had different colored home uniforms for different seasons. The admin should be approving it all to keep it consistent.
The current Wildcat logo, green, white uniforms with black highlights allowed.
Xjs, thank you for posting this information. How does one not have additional cost when they purchase new jerseys with the new logo? ERIN, go see Reeves on that one. Though WUS received $50 million bond issue (free money) no increases. So maybe Reeves and Co were able to secure more free money for funding of the new jerseys. Careful here……They will say it was paid for by the boosters or some other excuse. However you say it, the new logo comes with a cost. Additionally, you are spot on, some in leadership feel they may do whatever they please. Folks, please remember this when these people are asking for your vote! Cheers!!
I agree with Xjs. Erin and others are missing the main point of Mr. Koopman’s letter. While he does mention the cost of changing the logo, the larger issue is that it’s unnecessary. Board member Dan Cassini states, “there’s a lack of buy-in, something we are lacking as a District.” In reality, there is buy-in; we just need a bit more consistency. The District doesn’t need a branding company to achieve this. Instead, it should establish clear guidelines: use only the Wayland Union Wildcat, the intertwined “WU,” the name “Wayland Union,” and the school colors—dark green and white with black accents. If the District wants to specify the exact shade of green and the fonts, then it should go ahead and do so!
Is the WUS currently/planning on working with branding company? Cheers!!
Copied and pasted from BOE work session on May 20, 2024. “Mr. Reeves said he reached out to Jenison Public Schools since he knew they did a branding campaign back in January. Dan and Tim met with representatives from BSN/Varsity brands. They will work with us to help come up with options for branding, logos, etc. Total value of service is approximately $15,000 which they are comping to us because we have a current contract with BSN.”
15k because we earn funds everytime a sports team/club uses their website for apparel. They are not comping anything….. They will get the funds
This is the BIGGEST waste of my tax payer money ever!! I can’t believe this is even an issue and why now? My father,, my kids and I have now proudly represented Wayland with the same logo/mascot for over 60 YEARS!! Hoping they don’t disrupt that pride with this nonsense!!
MOnday September 23 @ 6:00 there will be a meeting about the logo/identification with BOE memebers.