Some research and shenanigans visited the Then & Now Historical Library Wednesday when a bunch of Dorr Boys from the Wayland High School Class of 1969 came a-callin’ to go over some old photos and reminisce. Shown here are (front row, from left) Gordy Post, Richard Dumond, Larry Patterson, Don Miller, Ron Jensen (back) Jim Schmidt and Mark Kloska. They provided help identifying some of the unnamed photos in the library and Then & Now personnel would like to let everyone know they could use more help with this kind of identification. (Photo courtesy of Kathy Hamman Miller)



1 Comment

Ed Bergeron
January 29, 2020
The Dorr Boys!!! Now there's a distinguished bunch of rascals, awesome baseball players (League Champions in 1969) and old friends from Wayland's unforgettable Class of '69! Thanks for sharing your memories at the Historical Library, boys, while you can still remember some of them, and keep right on making new ones for many more years to come!

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