Forensics 1Three forensics students from Wayland Union High School competed with almost 600 students from around the state representing 45 different schools this past weekend at the annual Michigan Speech Coaches Incorporated State Spring Conference (MSCI) at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.

Wayland’s team, coached by Andrea Brown, placed second in its division. Senior Rachel Bouterse placed fifth in Holiday Storytelling, junior Courtney Johnson placed ninth in Mocklamation, and freshman Camber Barko placed sixth in Holiday Storytelling

Brown said she is very proud of all the students’ hard work and effort they put into making their performances fabulous.

“They truly are an amazingly talented group of students willing to put their time, energy and emotion into their performances,” she said. “It was a pleasure and an honor to work with them on their pieces, and a sheer joy to watch them accept their trophies at the award ceremony Saturday night.  They deserve a big round of applause!”

The coach added that she hopes the forensics team grows from the experience and welcomes new students to join in the fall.”

Forensics is the art of competitive speaking and acting and students can compete in a multitude of different categories, including but not limited to, Holiday Storytelling (the student brings a child’s story to life), 2016 Presidential Mocklamation (were students recreate a presidential candidate speech).

PHOTO: (From left) Coach Andrea Brown, Rachel Bouterse, Courtney Johnson and Camber Barko.
(Photo courtesy of Laurie Zywiczynski)

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