Terry Parks

Terry Parks, a 1966 graduate of Wayland High School, is seeking a patent on his technological invention that is personal for him and practical for modern society.

Parks, a former minister who has become an inventor and entrepreneur over the last three decades, has invented “Stop Site” through his ParksSystems company that specializes in innovation. The device is intended to stop predators, whom he calls “a spreading modern curse.”

The invention is personal because in the late 1970s, his wife, Karen, was accosted by the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy in Washington state. She was able to escape his efforts to abduct her, but Parks said the harrowing experience affected her negatively for the rest of her life.

Karen Parks died of cancer in 2006. She and Terry raised four children, living their lives mostly in Washington and Montana. They met at what is now Cornerstone University and were wed in 1969 before they began their life together in the Pacific Northwest, where Terry began his ministry.

Terry Parks was known well while attending Wayland High School. He was elected student council president in the fall of 1964, defeating Tom Tarnutzer at the polls. He also played football, basketball, baseball and tennis for the Wildcats.

He and some of his children, who were living in Texas until a couple of years ago, have relocated to Wayland, where Terry continues to pursue his hobby, or passion, of inventing.

Parks’ video introducing his invention can be viewed on line at http://parkssystems.com/


1 Comment

May 22, 2018
Interesting innovation. Video is worth seeing.

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