Wayland High School hmagna_cum_laude_2016_7as announced the seniors who have achieved magna cum laude academic honors and cum laude accolades. Listed in alphabetical for magna cum laude: Alexis Adrianse, Audrey Annable, Perry Carter, Madalyn Crawford, Aliya Cutler, Nicole Damveld, Hope Dollarhide, Madelyn Gray, Benjamin Gunnett, Emily Henderson, Jacob Jager, Austin Johnson, Victoria Poirier, Sydney Ritz, Haley Thelen, Autumn VanDrunen, Lyndie VanMalsen and Nora Wagner. The 11 summa cum laude achievers were shown earlier this week.


magna_cum_laude_2016_7Earning cum laude honors and listed in alphabetical order Averie Allen, Madison Anderson, Rachel Bouterse, Caleb Boyle, Rayce Eckman, Caitlyn Fields, Aubrey Fifelski, Gabrielle Ford, Gerrit Fuller, Gavin Grant, Chase Gruver, Dakota Johnson, Michael Kelly, Mitchell Lapham, Sean Maddux, Marina Marchesotti, Ali Martus, Savannah Middleton, Kelsey Moore, Hanna Moulenbelt, Brooke Mulder, Tallie Nederhood, Kelsey Ryder, Kamie Swan, Logan Sevigny, Rachel Shaffer, Dylan Thompson, Trenton Woodcox and Evan VandenToorn. Not pictured: Kash Gruver and Eric Steffes.

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