The Wayland boys’ bowling team had a reunion showdown Thursday with former O-K Gold Conference champion Cedar Springs, but lost 26-4.
Coach Sherry Miklusicak said, “We had lost the conference titled to them last year by a half a point.
“We didn’t roll our best Baker games, but Cedar sure did!”
The Wildcats lost the first Baker game 149–230 and the second Baker game 169–191. Dominic Baker leading off, had three out of four possible strikes, as did Wil Dewing and Kyle VanEss, team anchor, filling five out of six frames.
Wayland had a nice first game total of 950 pins, which is nearly a 200 average per bowler, but still lost by eight pins. High games for Wayland were by Louis Harnish 225 and Kyle VanEss 226.
“Again, we rolled very very well,” Miklusicak said. “A score of 950 typically will win the match 90% to 95% of the time.”
Louie Harnish took his second game point with a 185 game, as did Jayse Henkel with a 236.
“We rolled 911 as a team, so again a great score that would typically win,” the coach added. “All of our varsity had experience today.
“We picked up 16 single pin spared and missed 8. I’d like to see that 67% closer to 80-85%. ‘Straighter is Greater’ – means you have a higher chance of picking up a single pin spare if you can eliminate the “hook” as you don’t know how the oil is transitioning, especially at the corner pins. If you eliminate the oil, your percentages increase!”