Yours truly and wife Coleen spent five days in Canada July 1-5 for an unusual reason — to get away from all of the noise of neighborhood fireworks launched by Bubba and Billy Bob.

We succeeded mightily in our quest, but because we did not return to the land of noise until Wednesday afternoon, the weekly edition of the historical column “Bygone Days” has been delayed until Saturday. The Then & Now Historical Library, the source of the material researched, is open only on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

When arrived in Sarnia Saturday, July 1, we witnessed a fireworks display because that day marked the 150th anniversary of Canada’s independence from Great Britain. There was nary a report of any the obnoxious devices from Sunday through Wednesday while we were vacationing in the Great White North. The two of us spent the afternoon of the Fourth of July taking in a delightful comedy. “The School of Scandal,” at the Avon in Stratford.

Those who might think me unpatriotic as a result should understand my deep and personal belief that freedom also means being able to expect peace and quiet in my neighborhood for the best interests of beloved pets, some veterans and people who have to work the next day.

There is a time and a place to celebrate and make lots of noise, but to allow it for five days, 24/7 is excessive and smacks of hubris. One again, our esteemed Michigan State Legislature cared not a whit about anything except money in passing a horrible law in 2012, a law that has done nothing but create misery for too many people and defenseless animals.


Judging by commentary at the Wednesday night City Council meeting, everything was fine in Wayland and environs over the lengthy holiday. However, I noticed more than a few howls of protest on Facebook from people who aren’t as enthusiastic about such unasked for frivolity in the middle of the night.

So it appears the game is rigged, the table is tilted and “nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.” Local authorities say their hands are tied by state law and state officials such as Rep. Steven Johnson reply to complaints such as mine with the classic, “Thank you for your input, now run along.”

I’ve been told as many as 60 percent of people in polls would like to see Michigan’s fireworks law repealed. It doesn’t matter. You can complain all you want, just like many did before the invasion of Iraq. They’re going to keep things just the way they are.

Enjoy it, Bubba and Billy Bob. But from now on, I plan to flee the Fourth and spend my money elsewhere, where peace and quiet are respected.

1 Comment

Free Market Man
July 6, 2017
There you go again insulting Bill Clinton (Bubba) and Billy Bob (Thornton)! I don't know what your problem is with the Southerners, but you insist on using Bubba and Billy Bob any time you infer that someone is a cretin knuckledragger. Evidently, you've never been in the South or just around Washington D.C. - there's plenty of cretins there - they are called Representatives and Senators. I know plenty of Bubba and Billy Bobs, but usually they are in the northern climes and go by other names. Maybe the offending fireworks folks are called Sam and Dave, not Bubba and Billy Bob.

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