The news about ex-StateTroubling true stories_1 Rep. Cindy Gamrat filing for the seat from which she was expelled prompts a few famous quotations:

  • “They thought she was a goner, but the cat came back, the very next day.” — Children’s camp fire song
  • “How can we miss you when you won’t go away.” — Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks
  • “It’s not over ‘til it’s over.” — Yogi Berra
  • “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” — Attorney Joseph Welch to Sen. Joe McCarthy

Regardless of which quote is most appropriate, ex-State Rep. Cindy Gamrat could win back the seat she lost less than a week ago. Her only chance is through our horribly broken down two-party electoral system.

Perhaps many wonder how Gamrat could put herself and her family through this ordeal once again. She’s been expelled by her colleagues in the Michigan House for her role in a coverup of an extra-marital affair, but she could win back her seat in the Nov. 3 special primary. If she wins the primary, she wins the general.

Ms. Gamrat is not dumb. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan. She understands that the only way she can regain her old seat is through the ballot box. That’s because our two-party electoral system has badly broken down and she can take advantage of it.

The banished Gamrat could come back because it appears there will be as many as six candidates in the GOP primary. That means she could win by plurality, not by majority. She could pick up as little as 20% of the total vote, and as long as it’s more than all others on the ballot, she then will serve out the remainder of her two-year term.

Both Gamrat and “partner in crime” Todd Courser were elected in the August 2014 primary without a majority. Gamrat polled 41 percent in the primary, but her total was larger than three other candidates. Courser won with a plurality of just 39% in the 82nd District primary.

Both were elected handily in the November 2014 general election because if A. Hitler, Republican, ran against J. Christ, Democrat, in these parts, A. Hitler would win. All you have to do to win in the 80th and 82nd Districts is have that (R) next to your name.

Though Gamrat ran afoul of the Republican Party even before her expulsion, she used “the big R” to win her seat in Lansing.

So because we don’t have rules for runoffs for the top two vote-getters in the primary and because we have a one-party system in most of West Michigan, it is entirely possible to win election to six years in the Michigan House without initial support of more than half the voters.

Furthermore, primary elections most often attract only 25 to 30 percent of registered voters, so prospects of winning with small vote totals are good, especially if you are supported by a small, tight-knit group that will back you ‘til the cows come home. That group would be the Allegan County Tea Party.

Our electoral and two-party system has deteriorated into a sad state of disrepair. I blame a Republican Party that has become so greedy for power and votes that it has rigged the system very skillfully. I also blame the GOP for allowing the Tea Party to take control of an agenda it now finds alarming.

The only way we can put a stop to this nonsense is to have a non-partisan group come up with proposals to reform the system. As someone who has watched party politics and elections gradually descend into the cesspool over the years, I’d be willing to serve.


Robert M Traxler
September 18, 2015
Here we go again, Hitler a Republican, Christ a Democrat. If Hitler were to run today he would be a Democrat. Hitler was a Socialist. Fascism is National Socialism.
September 18, 2015
You miss the point. IF Hitler ran as a Republican and IF Christ Ran as a Democrat, Hitler would win because voters in these parts select the Republican regardless of issue.
Robert M Traxler
September 19, 2015
No sir, I get your point, it is like Democrats voting for stone cold real racists like George Wallace and Lester Maddox just because they were Democrats.
Free Market Man
September 18, 2015
While I don't agree Ms. Gamrat should run again, it is her right to do so. And just because she is a graduate of U of M does not mean she is educated, just that she completed the course studies to gain the right to earn the degree. She certainly has the values of an alley cat - maybe she should run as a Democrat, they like alley cats and value them highly - look at Bill Clinton.
September 18, 2015
Republicans certainly have their alley cats as well. Many of them specialize in money rather than sex.
Free Market Man
September 21, 2015
Republicans "eat" their own - they get rid of their ally cats, Democrats idolize them and put them on a pedestal for all to worship. And the media remains mute and joins in with the celebration.

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