“You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes, and your smile is in disguise… Thought by now, you’d realize, there ain’t no way to hide your lyin eyes.” — The Eagles

I want readers to clearly understand this before I go any further: I have no idea whether Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or is telling lies in her attempted rape accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And right now, very few people know the truth about this matter.

Because her allegations are so serious, a potential felony, even if this occurred 36 years ago, and because the accused is applying for one of the most important positions in the United States, a lifetime appointment as a Supreme Court Justice, this matter should not be decided only by political hacks in the U.S. Senate. It first must be thoroughly investigated by independent law enforcement officers of the FBI.

Too many members of the Republican majority of the Senate Judiciary Committee already have indicated they do not believe Dr. Ford and think Judge Kavanaugh is an upright chap who deserves the appointment. There is nothing wrong with having this opinion, but the “Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve made up my mind” approach to this serious issue is unacceptable.

An independent, unbiased investigation is required here before the final decision is made to elevate (or not) Judge Kavanaugh to the highest legal group in the land. The GOP Senators insist this is just a stalling tactic, but they had no problem with sitting idle for almost a year on the nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016.

The reasons for rushing (or plowing) Kavanaugh through are the same for blocking Garland — purely political. Considerations of fairness be damned.

Of course, this recalls the hearings 27 years ago about Prof. Anita Hill’s accusations against Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Thomas was confirmed on a 52-48 vote.

Since then I have learned some painful information about Thomas and Hill. David Brock, the GOP operative hired to write the book “The Real Anita Hill,” has since recanted and admitted his assertions were manufactured. Another book, “Strange Justice,” checked out local porn business clerks who readily recognized Thomas as a regular customer, corroborating Hill’s contentions of his porn habit. And another employee of the Office of Economic Opportunity came forward after her retirement and said Thomas, as her superior, sexually harassed her as well. But it was too late.

I was impressed that Dr. Ford has insisted the FBI be called in to investigate. I was not impressed that the guy she said was in the room during the alleged incident from 1982 doesn’t want to speak to authorities.

If Judge Kavanaugh and his comrade Mark Judge are guilty of only being high school drunkards, then let them tell that to authorities to exonerate them from attempted rape.

What concerns me a great deal more, however, are suggestions that Judge Kavanaugh has lied under oath several times. If they are true, he should be rejected. If they are not, and if Dr. Ford’s are not, then let him be confirmed.

But I don’t see the fairness in allowing a very serious allegation against a potentially significant person be denigrated by a deliberate “he said, she said,” dog and pony show and that’s all. We, the American people, deserve far better than that.

But I fear the late comedian George Carlin was right again when he said, “The game is rigged… And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.”




robert beck
September 22, 2018
It is likely that Thomas would not have been confirmed if all the facts had been known. It seems in the headlong rush to get Kavanaugh confirmed that the people on the committee don't want the facts known in this case. Maybe he was a high school drunkard. Maybe he was a high school drunkard who became an abuser when drunk. Maybe it is all a story. This is an important office with a life time appointment. A few days or weeks won't make any difference in this appointment or the next one if this guy is not confirmed. Do it right.
Don't Tread On Me
September 23, 2018
The third "witness" for the accuser had denied Kavanaugh or the accuser had any incident. In addition, Dr. Ford only remembered this incident in therapy after 30+ years? She can't remember the house where the party took place, knows not who drove her home, nor many other details of that night. And yet Kavanaugh is tried and convicted by the Media! How does he get his reputation back after this smear job by the masters of deception, dirty tricks, and outright liars, the Democrats? This whole thing is a sham and made up BS. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia. Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids, ably assisted by the Fake News Media!!

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