“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” ― John Wooden

During my walks with Bella the Wonderdog I think of John Wooden’s quote because I so often see rubbish and garbage strewn along the side of the road. And I wonder what possible excuse anyone can have for littering.

I also understand there are many vile, stupid and uncaring things we do when we don’t think anyone is watching. I’ve come to the conclusion that too many of us Americans are spoiled, ignorant and uncaring about doing the right things just because they are the right things to do.

Sometimes, because we don’t engage in critical thinking, don’t connect the dots and don’t pay attention, our behavior eventually is costly to us.
Besides the example of littering, which most folks seem to believe is no big deal, here are some other examples:

• People who do not spay or neuter their dogs or cats. Anyone who works in animal shelters will tell you we’ve had an explosion in the pet population that could be avoided if we just did the right thing. Besides practicing birth control, we could only take in rescue pets and let “puppy mills” and stores die on the vine.

• We consume water in plastic bottles that do little more than contribute to our massive pollution problem and threaten wildlife. We also don’t seem to care about obtaining our water far cheaper by taking it from our wells and then making the containers cold in the refrigerator.

• We purchase T-shirts and sweatshirts that advertise such clothing manufacturing giants as Abercrombie & Fitch, Hilliker, Hollister and Old Navy. Because we and our children are walking and talking billboards for these brands, they should pay us, or at least let us pay nothing for the privilege of wearing them.

• Very few of us adhere to speed limits, so much that cops have almost given up on corralling speeders, except for the most egregious offenders. Whatever happened to the notion that “speed kills?”

• We passively have given in to marketing and advertising experts who have persuaded us to “enjoy” commercials while watching the Super Bowl and to stand in line and get up early to save a few bucks on Black Friday, a circus that didn’t even exist until the 1980s.

• Far too many of us use cell phones and engage in texting while driving our cars or trucks. Virtually every study on this issue reveals such behavior as dangerous to ourselves, and even worse, to others who share the road and are innocent of such a crime.

• We passively have grown to accept outrageous prices charged for food and drink while we are attending overpriced venues such as Disney World and professional and major college sports spectacles. We could instead be just as entertained and fed while sitting at home watching TV.

• The most recent acceptance of the obnoxious and annoying is with fireworks, which some people who care not a whit about the rest and relaxation of you of your dog while making childish and frightening noises.

I so often see complaints on Facebook about how “Kids these days ain’t got no respect” and about the dumb things a tiny fraction of them do, such as eat Tide Pods. After reviewing the above lists of boorish, foolish and disrespectful behavior, I have no doubt where they got such crazy ideas.


Robert M Traxler
February 8, 2019
"Yes It Is, It’s True: We are spoiled, ignorant, uncaring" Most of, many of, the majority of, a high percentage of us are spoiled and uncaring but ignorant, perhaps not, folks know what they are doing, a small number just do not care. "How much sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." Shakespeare's King Lear,1605. Ever generation thinks the next is lacking, nothing new.
Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
February 8, 2019
Mr Young We don't always agree, but this is a very thought provoking article. Which if we are honest with ourselves we fit into at least one of the points you've mentioned. I agree litter upsets me also. One must say since recycling and bottle deposits arrived litter has gone down. The feral cat and dog problem has gotten worse. We fail to realize ( and this analogy is the best I can think of) animal shelters are like cemeteries it takes money and people to maintain and manage them with little or no monetary return. I am guilty of water in plastic bottles. My water according to the Health department is fine. But since moving to our new home and knowing what the property was used for years ago we drink only bottled water. One has to admit there are some areas where the water may be questionable . When it comes to the fireworks. I may not be a huge fan of 2 or 3 am being startled thinking I'm back in the late 60's As for my dogs since they were trained and bred for hunting the noise never bothered them. Can the behavior be changed of course it can. To use the excuse that the new generation is just doing what they have seen others do, gets us no where. If we can educate a viscous dog used in dogfights become a peaceful companion. Why is it we think that education will not work for humans in the matters you have brought to our attention?

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