“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” — Proverbs in the Old Testament

I have long prided myself in avoiding hucksterism and foolish purchases of goods and services I don’t want or need. I have a proud history of not buying bottled water, not buying higher priced name brands, not buying such unnecessary items as vanity license plates or sports team clothing or memorabilia.

I used to take pleasure as a substitute teacher calling the kids not by their names, but by what their T-shirt advertised. “Hey Hollister, sit down and get to work.” Then I’d tell them the company should pay them for the free advertising.

Yes, I’ve regarded myself as some kind of savvy consumer who doesn’t take well to snake oil salesmen, and there are plenty of them. It’s like I’ve taken to heart P.T. Barnum’s wise observation that “There’s a sucker born every minute” and we unwashed masses may not be stupid, but we’re gullible and easily flim-flammed.

So imagine my dismay not long ago when I came to the realization I have been successfully huckstered by the Pillow Guy. You know, the one who has the 1940s-style female singers crooning”

“For the best night’s sleep in the whole wide world it’s My Pillow.com.”

A couple of years ago I was searching for a birthday gift for my wife, leading to a collaboration with eldest child Robert to get her the heavily hyped product because she too often has a difficult time getting a good night’s rest. We struck a deal in which I got a pillow as well.

I’m not going to tell you My Pillow is an inferior product. It proved to me to be every bit as good as any other pillow. But better? And have I gotten the best night’s sleep in the whole wide world? Let’s just say, like most other marketing and advertising campaigns, it was long on style and short on delivering the promise.

Kudos to the Pillow Guy as the latest edition of successful hucksters, who even got the likes of me to bite. And I shoulda knowed better.

“Too many people with smooth on their tongues, filling their pockets with ‘I promise yous.’ Get it in writing…”  — An old Marathon gasoline commercial


Terry Parks
May 17, 2019
Of course virtually nothing works for everybody. I love peanut butter but some could die or be in misery from ingesting it. I have My Pillow and it is the best one I've ever owned. So in this case your huckster is my head-hero. I'd certainly recommend that pillow design to anyone to try, without any assurance they would have the same positive results that I and I'm sure lots of others have.
Don't Tread On Me
May 17, 2019
I bought a "My Pillow a few years ago and am completely satisfied with the results. Maybe you shouldn't sleep with any pillow!

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