It was indeed the power outage that wasn’t. Ansd about all it left were questions about whether Wayland area residents would have to through this again.
Consumers Energy sent homeowners and renters a communication via the mail that it would cause an outage from 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 6, but when the hour of reckoning arrived, nothing happened. Very few understand what actually happened and many are anticipating with consternation the possibility the power will be turned off from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Saturday, April 13. Consumers, in iots communication, said the backup date for the outag e would be the following week.
Regard;less, there was a lot of Facebook chatter in the wake of the non-event.
The following is a sketch of the commentary:
• Erin Stepek: “As you can guess, Wayland didn’t lose power last night like we were supposed to per Consumers Energy for maintenance. What kills me is so many people are complaining on Facebook about it like Consumers is going to see it! Maybe calling or e-mailing them directly might work better. Also, the postcard had a backup date on it so you needed to be prepared for both dates!”
• Laura Decker: “In addition to the postcard received from Consumers, I had also received a text message from Consumers a few days prior to advise me of this interruption of service. It sure would have been nice to have received one to say that they were postponing it until next week. It took a lot of time and effort to hook up essentials to alternate power source for nothing.”
• Brian Schmuker: “Nobody puts Consumers in a corner. Consumers does what consumers wants. I’m sure there’s a solid word in the dictionary for it. Probably in the ‘ms’, right around ‘monopoly’ or so.”
• Douglas Shafer: “Well, look at the bright side, Wayland folks. We don’t have to reset all those flashing clocks.”
• Deb Smith: “Some people are upset because they rented hotel rooms. Consumers should have texted us (ahead of time) that it wasn’t going to happen.”