“Politics makes strange bedfellows” — Adapted from “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare.

This is my favorite Army Bob photo, as he urges all citizens to “mask up.”

This time honored phrase is perhaps the best way to describe my relationship of eight years with Robert M. Traxler, known to so many readers of this publication as “Army Bob.”

It should be a secret to no one that Army Bob and I don’t see eye-to-eye on virtually all state, national and international political issues. Yet the two of us have agreed entirely on the need for citizens to “mask up” during the Coronavirus crisis and we are like blood brothers on local issues.

So many people these days seem to get into serious squabbles over red and blue positions in politics, and some former longtime friends and relatives have a parting of the ways as a result.

Former President George W. Bush once insisted, “I’m a uniter, not a divider.” Current President Donald Trump easily could make a claim for the opposite. It would be hard to find anyone who would believe today we are a nation of united peoples.

But Army Bob and I have somehow found a way set aside our differences and work together to help make Townbroadcast a viable community on-line newspaper. He has been kind enough on occasion to pinch hit for me when I was out of town and I have provided him with more than weekly opportunities to get up on his soapbox, especially when he has found developments need to be discussed.

Well, we have been guilty of teasing one another a lot. He has more than once accused me of having Hillary Clinton as my girlfriend and he has called me “A proud Liberal.” I often have countered with my accusation of him as a “Fascist Pig Dog.”

Indeed, we have had our difficulties over the eight years. I have learned not to diss the armed services to a career military man, thereby incurring his immediate wrath.

I’ve also seen Army Bob virtually livid, like when he lectured Dorr Township Trustee John Tuinstra when he suspected him of illegally audiotaping Planning Commission members after a meeting had concluded.

However, as some people have noted in the comments section for the story about his resignation from the Dorr Planning Commission and ZBA, Mr. Traxler deserves to be thanked for his service to his country and to his community, both here and in Illinois.

The times ahead for Army Bob as just a private citizen will be very challenging. His lengthy battle with prostate cancer has gotten serious enough for him to step down from public life. And Dorr Township will be poorer because of his absence.

If you happen to see him or read his columns, don’t forget to thank him for his service and a job well done and a life well lived.

1 Comment

Don't Tread On Me
July 23, 2020
Army Bob, Dorr owes you a big round of thanks for your civic duties on behalf of the town and township. Thank you for your years serving the country as an officer in the U.S. Army. My friend, you are a good and faithful servant - may God bless you!

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