“How can you be in two places at once when you’re not anywhere at all?” — The Firesign Theatre

Townbroadcast hereby pleads guilty to committing two errors in the past week, and they leave the editor less than proud.

This publication was guilty of wildly misunderstanding the Main Street paving project that will begin soon in downtown Wayland and of not being present at the presentation of the three Wayland High School Alumni of the Year awards, falsely believing there was only one.

I took information from the article I first wrote about the street project from a year ago and was remiss in not updating it to fit in with what’s happening now. A year ago I wrote that the Michigan Department of Transportation project will cover from Maple Street on North Main to 133rd Avenue at the south edge of town. The truth is that it will be from Sycamore Street on South Main to the south city limits.

Even worse, I somehow referred to it as a street widening project. Main Street will not be widened, but instead will include a left-turn lane, much like 142nd Avenue in Dorr Township. This, of course, raises legitimate questions about street parking.

On Tuesday night, I was not in attendance for the annual presentation of the WHS Alumni of the Year awards, and this is where the Firesign Theatre quote applies. I was at a Dorr Township Planning Commission learning about a Biggby’s coffee shop coming to Dorr.

Even so, I noticed on Facebook the only mention of an award winner was that of former Mayor Donald Shafer and wrote about it. I thought he was the only winner, but a reader with a keen eye very quickly informed me of my error. I had inadvertently missed local businesswoman and coach Vickie Schwartz and local school principal and coach Jennifer Moushegian.

My Bad.

When I launched this on-line rag 11 years ago, I suspected it sometimes could be too much for one person to do it right. My goal was to provide coverage to generally the same areas that the old Wayland Globe did before it went belly up.

Sometimes there are meetings of two local municipalities on the same night and often there are two or more ballgames of athletic meets on the same night. So I have relied on a business model that uses Facebook heavily. Though I don’t like the platform, it does a decent job of telling me what’s happening, as long as I’m able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

So my apologies for my transgressions of the past week. I have since tried to rectify the problems and I pledge to do the best I can to “write it right.”  


Ralph capone
April 23, 2023
Although I am probably one of your biggest annoyances and seem always ready to give an opposing views, I do appreciate your dedication to local news for those of us who also cannot follow issues as closely as we would sometimes like.
Dennis Longstreet
April 23, 2023
I think You do a damm good job piss on the critics!!!
Burrell Stein
April 23, 2023
David, I agree with my friend, Dennis Longstreet, you are doing a great service to our communities. Hang in there. And thank you for keeping us informed on all the happenings in our area. You are appreciated. Burrell Stein

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