When Democrat Kelli Morris decided not to seek re-election to another four-year term as Watson Township Clerk  in 2024, she made it official: All six townships in northeast Allegan County are in a one-party system.

That is, all 32 elected officials on the Nov. 5 general election ballot are Republicans. There are no Democrats.

For those who need more evidence, here is a complete list:

  • Dorr Township — Supervisor Jeff Miling, Clerk Debbie Sewers, Treasurer Laurie Perry and Trustees John Tuinstra, Pat Champion, Dan Weber and Chandler Stanton.
  • Hopkins Township — Supervisor Cade Bolser, Clerk Stacey Timmer, Treasurer Eric Alberta and Trustees Bob Modreske and Charles Wamhoff.
  • Leighton Township — Supervisor Steve Wolbrink, Clerk Rachel Fennema, Treasurer Jacquelynn Bultsma and Trustees John Hooker and Brian Bonnema.
  • Martin Township — Supervisor Glenn Leep, Clerk Jennifer Wharton, Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer and Trustees Jim DeYoung and John Schipper.
  • Watson Township — Supervisor Kevin Travis, Clerk Mary Ann Baker, Treasurer Tara Davis and Trustees Michelle Harris and Joseph Yearous.
  • Wayland Township — Supervisor Roger VanVolkinburg, Clerk Lillian DeKoning, Treasurer Sue Kamyszek and Trustees Matt Miner and Jim Stein.

Nearly all of the Republicans on the ballot are incumbents. The only ones who aren’t are those stepping in for incumbents who have decided not to seek re-election.

So northeast Allegan County is operating on a one-party system. Republicans traditionally have had the upper hand in the electoral process for more than a century. But its dominance now is complete.

The only meaningful vote that can be cast is for Wayland City Council or for Martin, Hopkins and Wayland school boards, where all the races are non-partisan.

It wasn’t always like that.

Dorr Township was predominantly Democrats until 2024, but now has all GOP officials. Democrats were in the majority in Watson Township until 2016. In both municipalities the tables were turned quickly and decisively, and not so long ago.

When I was editor of five newspapers based in Hastings, the assistant editor explained the GOP’s dominance in very simple terms — that Democrats had never put up a candidate worthy of support.

Yet I can remember in my tender youth being taught in civics classes and current events that in the Soviet Union there was only political party — the communist party — so you had no choice in such an undemocratic situation. In these parts of the United States, we are faced with exactly that, but it was generated by us, the people, at the ballot box.

Yet very few if any seem concerned about not really having a choice at the polls. You either vote Republican or swallow the medicine of losing.

Again it reminds me of the very effective political sign I saw more than a decade ago:

“Grand Rapids. We like the way things are around here. Let’s keep it that way. Vote Republican.”

What a strange form of self-induced totalitarianism we have here!

As the late comedian George Carlin said, “But nobody seems to notice; nobody seems to care.”


October 13, 2024
Oh Dave, why don't you run for office? I'm sure the good people of Leighton Township would love a token Democrat. You could oppose everything with your one vote. Maybe the good, Conservative folks in the townships you cite like good government that acts like adults (with one exception in Dorr township) and spends within their means. Democrats, not so much.
Tony Baloney
October 13, 2024
When you cultivate a culture that is unable to think critically, or for themselves, you get totalitarian submission. When the citizens are conditioned to obey their masters based on fear, superstition, and ignorance, an environment of stagnant, noncompetitive corruption prospers.
Bass Man
October 13, 2024
So Mr. Baloney, you don't like Democrats?
October 14, 2024
No Mr Baloney doesn't like weak minded cult members members like you!
Tony Baloney
October 14, 2024
Hello again BM, Thank you for demonstrating a perfect example of a mixed up and turned around psyche, while embarrassingly missing the point of the editorial. You have provided a continual example of someone blinded by anger and distracted by labels and terminology. I have not forgot that you have thrown multiple temper tantrums that have resulted in demanding people vote the way you desire or not at all. Your side is supposed to be for freedom, yet you have no grasp on what it is or what it requires.
Bass Man
October 14, 2024
Mr. Baloney, you are so easy!! Lighten up Francis!
Lois Kingma Blanco
October 14, 2024
The discouraging fact of a ballot that shows only one name in a space that says "vote for 1" is that the candidate takes office and assumes that they have blanket permission to pursue their own agenda. When a candidate has no competition, we constituents have little idea what that agenda is nor does that candidate bother to listen to our needs.
Bass Man
October 15, 2024
Ms. Blanco, You are 100% correct. Did Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ever say we were going to stop building the wall, not drill any new oil wells, get us involved in 2 new wars, raise gas prices, raise grocery and other commodity prices before the election in 2020? When Biden stopped the oil production, told everyone to stay home because of Covid and the government would pay you to stay home - what was the end result? Massive inflation. How many millions of illegal aliens are in our country? I don't remember either of them stating they were going to flood the country with illegals. We have no one in the Biden Administration with any economic sense and knowing pumping trillions of dollars into the economy would create inflation? Econ 101. Too many dollars chasing too few goods and services. And Kamala said she wouldn't change a thing. Only an idiot keeps the same programs and policies and expects a different result. But such are Democrats. Happy voting!

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