Month: August 2015

Let’s tell 2 new legislators to ‘git er done’ on roads and fireworks

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. I have a terse message for the two (likely) new state legislators from this area before the August 2016 primary election: Roads and fireworks. The recent news that the State Legislature again kicked the...
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Ranger Rick: Abortion continues culture of death for 42 years

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With all the latest information coming out about Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills and selling of body parts and whole fetuses, I was physically ill from the descriptions and the undercover footage. In my younger days I was a Pro-Choice supporter and a staunch Democrat, Union member (UAW), and consumed large...
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Wildcat soccer team drops season opener 2-0 to Zeeland East

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Wayland opened its soccer season Monday night with a 2-0 loss to visiting Zeeland East. The Dux sxored one goal each in both halves to edge past the Wildcats. Goalie Jake Larsen made 12 saves facing 14 shots in the contest. The Wildcats don’t have long to rest, as they...
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Cheetah program attracts 350 people at Pine Street Elementary

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Mary Wykstra from Action for Cheetahs in Kenya (ACK) and "Zemba," a cheetah from the Columbus Zoo, visited Pine Street Elementary Monday in the concluding special program of the summer "Funtastic" series. More than 350 people learned about cheetah conservation and 100 children received a free lunch and book. The...
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CNN features leukemia patient Dawson Babiak’s crayon drive

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Dawson Babiak, 5-year-old son of Wayland teacher Alison Babiak and Hopkins teacher Jason Babiak, is getting national attention in his heroic battle against leukemia. Dawson has launched a crayon donation drive resulting in thousands of responses, allowing children in hospitals to spend time drawing or coloring while in treatment. His...
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Probe claims Reps. Gamrat, Courser misused public resources

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A Michigan House Business Office investigation claims that State Reps. Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser Michigan state Reps. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, "misused taxpayer resources" in an alleged attempted coverup of their extra-marital affair. House Business Office Director Tim Bowling today released preliminary results of the probe ordered by...
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Memorial Mass will be Sept. 10 for Dorothy Clary, 88, North Dorr

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Dorothy (Harig) Clary, of North Dorr, died Friday, Aug. 21. She was 88. Born Dec. 19, 1926, she is survived by her children, Gloria and Milan Delfosse, Deborah and David Potter, Kevin Clary, Sheri and Lawrence Lenhart, 19 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by...
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Monday Moanin’: Nobody knows what the hell they’re doing

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By Jeff Salisbury Maybe you’ve seen the video of people of all ages, offering words of wisdom to those of their generation, but just a bit younger. I spotted it on Facebook over the weekend and learned that it’s connected to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s online and radio magazine WireTap saying farewell. I’m...
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The Muck Starts Here: We’re still paying for Iraq War debacle

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by Barry Hastings (Much of this story will be in italics, and represents direct quotes from a piece I wrote for this site's publisher while he edited a regional newspaper some 12 years ago. The Supreme Court has ruled a reporter's stories are his, or hers, unless rights have been...
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Democracy Tree: Attacks on Planned Parenthood bogus, unfair

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Per usual, Michigan Republican lawmakers have proposed a spate of legislation in response to the deceptively edited Planned Parenthood tapes. A package of bills was introduced this week to prevent the dismemberment of aborted fetuses for the purpose of selling them for profit. Let’s go over this one more time...
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