Martin Board, Supt. Ballee-Stone clarify policy roles

Principal Tyler Whitcomb

The Martin Board of Education had a special meeting Thursday afternoon to clarify the roles of the superintendent and board when Covid issues arise that lead to policy decisions.

Board President Art Shook and Vice President Vince Tuinstra said they felt “unsettled” after Monday night’s meeting, in which the board gave Superintendent Brooke Ballee-Stone the green light to announce policy when calling a board meeting to discuss it isn’t feasible.

Ballee-Stone last Friday insisted members of the basketball team wear masks and be tested before the game in the wake of a swift recommendation from the Allegan County Health Department.

The superintendent was unable to attend the special meeting and sat in via the Internet, barely being able to speak because of illness. So, High School Principal Tyler Whitcomb spoke on her behalf.

Acknowledging the concerns expressed by many in the community, “She (Ballee-Stone) has been doing this in everyone’s best interests,” he told the board. “She’s looking out for the whole community. We’re now good to go (back to classroom instruction after a week off) next Monday.”

It was pointed out that no other schools in the area are testing for Covid and very few insist on athletes wearing masks at athletic events.

Tuinstra, noting there is no mandate for testing or wearing masks, asked, “So if the health department is not forcing this, why are we testing?”

He was told the school district now has run out of testing kits, so they won’t be used for at least another week.

Board Treasurer Melanie Conley said, “The issue is what good does it do if other schools aren’t testing? Just so we can say that we’re testing?

“I don’t think any one person should have sole authority in making these decisions. We essentially gave the keys away Monday.”

Ballee-Stone answered via the Internet, “This has nothing to do with a pat on the back. It has everything to do with not spreading the virus.”

Shook said the point of clarification is to allow the superintendent operate the district on a daily basis.

“If the superintendent has to convene the board every time an issue comes up, we’ll never get things done.”

Whitcomb said now that tests aren’t available, “All we can do now is take temperatures.”

Tuinstra said, “I have a huge problem with tests. I’ve never been tested and I won’t be tested.”

Shook said, “I wear a mask out of respect for others.” But he agreed masking athletes at contests may be wrong-headed, saying, “if the mask falls below your chin, how are you protected?”

The board president added that when tests become available again, “Let’s make the test available, but not mandatory,” noting students might take the virus home to parents and grandparents who might be more vulnerable.

Trustee Austin Marsman cautioned that just because tests and masks aren’t mandated, the school district still could be open to a lawsuit.

Ballee-Stone agreed that tests should be encouraged, but not mandated.

From the audience, Melissa Martin said she’s still concerned about the board not meeting to decide a policy issue when it arises.

Lauri DeYoung reiterated her stance on masks becoming contaminated when the wearer touches them, saying, “When you touch your mask it is soiled and needs to be thrown out.”

She added that she’s done her research and believes there is too much misinformation being spread about coping with Covid.

Marsman told board colleagues that Covid needs to be taken seriously, as he spoke with a man who had just lost his daughter to the virus, even though she was healthy and in her 30s.

Alice Kelsey, noting the superintendent was sick at home, told board members, “Please be careful. I am concerned that everything is forced on Brooke. She’s being made out to be the villain.”

There was a little more than dozen people who attended the special meeting.


  1. Sherri Fewless

    We the community have elected a school board.
    At no time should all of the power to make decisions be in only one persons hands for any reason.
    As for testing prior to every game or match that is ridiculous.
    The constant testing and exposure to the chemicals on the swabs can not be good for these young children and their nasal passages.
    Why would we want
    To impair our athletes ability to breathe at a time when they are exerting themselves the most?
    If people are that concerned about
    the possibility of being exposed to any virus ???? or their child being exposed then they need to make the decision to stay home. We have never done this for the flu, strep, staph, impetigo, or numerous other contagious situations.
    It is time for our lives and the lives of our children to resume the level of normalcy we were accustomed to pre 2019. This virus isn’t going away anymore than the seasonal flu or head lice is. Learn to live and function normally with it.

    Foe those living in constant fear consider the possibility that the stress of living with all this fear is going to do damage to your health before a virus does.
    Facts which there are very few of not Fear which there is a lot of need to guide us.
    Fact it is it’s a virus where masks have been shown not to be anymore effective at combating than the shot has.
    Fact testing is not 100% accurate
    Fact stress can cause your body to produce extra amounts of the hormone cortisol. Too much stress, over time, can exhaust you, damage or impair your adrenal glands where the cortisol is produced, harm your immune system making you more susceptible to viruses, and even shrink vital brain tissue resulting in memory loss and problems with concentration.

    Let’s return to normal and let parents decide when a child needs to be masked or tested and even when to keep them home. The school as normal can keep to the 75% attendance rate standard before calling off classes. It does defeat the purpose of going virtual though when the school is open for every other thing such as in person testing, sporting events, practices, concerts and any number of other events.
    We have elected a board for a reason and at no time should all the power to make a decision be in only the hands of one person. Let’s vote to return to normalcy.

  2. Melissa Martin

    I was also very grateful and thanked the board members for listening to the parents Monday night and held the special board meeting Thursday.

  3. Dennis Longstreet

    Its funny, the Supt. calls school off because of the weather, 50% of the parents bitch about what they are going to do with their kids at home. The next day the Supt. has school and 50% of the parents bitch that you’re putting our kids in danger.
    Who would want this thankless job? Sherri why don’t you take the job? With your great awareness of health conditions, I am sure you would be the top candidate if your stress has not harmed your brain tissue. I hope you can recall what normal is.

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