Wayland High School junior Kyle VanEss rolled a perfect 300 game this weekend at Spectrum Lanes In Grand Rapids. Of course, he is a member of the Wildcat boys’ bowling team and coachj Sherry Miklusicak said she is excited about his prospects for the next two seasons on the lanes.
It was in coach Bottrall’s fall league
My brother in law, as a young guy in his mid-20s, rolled a 290 once. He got a ring commemorating that very fine accomplishment, and wore it proudly for 50 year. It’s kind of a big deal; a perfect 300! Wow!
My father had several rings. In today’s world, you only get one unless you pay for the others out of pocket.
Unfortunately, a high school bowler cannot be gifted anything more than the value of a t-shirt. It would ruin their amateur status.
My father gave one of his 300 rings to a kid who rolled a 300 after his graduation from high school (he didn’t pursue a collegiate career in bowling).