Allegan County seeks help for Gun Lake Park grant

Allegan County is applying for a 2022 Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund grant from the DNR to make improvements to Gun Lake Park.

The proposed improvements include:

• New stormwater system throughout the park to reduce ponding and flooding.

• A renovated asphalt drive, including a bypass lane, to provide a smoother, easier circulation route and a faster access for all watercraft users.

• New electric gates with vehicle detection loops and a Wi-Fi controlled pay station under a security light to improve and make for easier water craft access to the lake.

• An accessible kayak launch connected by a walkway to increase access to Gun Lake.

• Expanding the beach to twice the existing length and widened by five feet to provide more water access and a safe way for people to enjoy the beach and still social distance if needed.

• The addition of five benches, one barrier free, along with the existing retaining wall at the waters edge to provide a place for visitors to enjoy lake views and fishing, increase a non-watercraft related activities and use.

• A concrete walk along the east side of Patterson Road to improve connectivity within the park and provide safe access to neighboring properties.

• A pedestrian crossing with solar-powered rapid flashing beacons on both sides of Patterson Road to provide unobstructed visibility and awareness of pedestrians crossing to and from the existing parking lot west of Patterson.

• A concrete unloading space to provide easy access to the existing pavilion for the public and for partnership programs.

• Update to LED lighting in restrooms/barns.Wi-Fi usage.

Part of the grant process is getting letters of support for the project. Therefore, county officials are reaching out to organizations and individuals who use Gun Lake Park to get these letters of support.

Those who would like to show support may sending a letter that can be as simple as an e-mail or a Word document. It can be e-mailed to or it can be snail-mailed to Allegan County Parks, Recreation and Tourism, 3283 122nd Ave., Allegan, Mi. 49010.


  1. Dennis Longstreet

    Sure is funny the state and county, the city and townships all have plenty of money for parks walkways water parks, swing sets and libraries. All things few of us can use. All of us use roads, but there’s not enough money for them.
    Is it an agenda problem or something else? 40 million dollars in new housing in a couple of years, one block from my house. Leighton offers no services. Where did the money go? Wayland lots of new homes in just a few years. Where does the money go?

    • John Wilkens

      Hey Bub,

      Might be time to start attending local board meetings and educating yourself……….Don’t worry your vaxed and can easily distance at all board meetings……….Try it you will like it…..


    • Don't Tread On Me

      Something we can agree about!
      You are correct… Leighton offers virtually no services but receives a boatload of new taxes.

      Wayland has the highest tax base and water and sewer hook-up rates in the county. Why? Where does that money go.. new Tahoes and sidewalk snow removal tractors. No sewer grate cleaning or street sweeping? Empty store fronts in a dying downtown.
      Where does the money go? Who knows.

      • You’re right on the something to agree on, I’ve always said people focus to much on federal government when they need to look at their local government. If you remember 3 months ago the town broadcast had a budget story from the city of wayland, 1.5 million was spent on public safety and DPW why? And the biggest revenue is local taxes which barely covers that cost and with a new sub division coming in it’s only going to grow. Since I’ve lived here I’ve never seen a budget that cut property taxes and now we can see why. Also to get to the story at hand I believe the Allegan county park has a fee to pay for the launch and parking Plus the casino has covered the cost in the past so were has that money gone?

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