Allegan County’s Covid-19 death toll increases to 184

The Allegan County Health Department has reported four more deaths in the last week as a result of the Coronavirus, bringing the total to 184 since the pandemic began in March 2020.

As of Friday, Aug. 27, the death toll was listed at 160, and the county’s number since the start of the pandemic had remained at 158 for about two months over the summer. So the toll for just under two months is 24.

It should be noted that death numbers customarily lag behind figures for cases.

The testing positivity rate for the disease is now 16.29, up 1.5 percentage points in the past week and nearly 4 percent over the past two weeks. There have been 18 new hospitalizations over the past two weeks and the average daily number of cases has increased to 52.6, up from 44, over seven days.

A total of 717 cases has been reported in the county over the past two weeks, again a slight increase. There now have been 319 hospitalizations from Covid in Allegan County since the pandemic began, an increase over 316 reported on Oct. 8. The number of tests is 20,062, almost 2,000 more than a week ago and 12,545 people have been characterized as recovered.

The Allegan County Health Department Aug. 18 issued a directive for all public schools in the county to mandate children in grades K-6 to wear masks in the classrooms because they are not eligible for vaccinations. In the wake of protests from parents and the State Legislature’s threat of withholding funding, the Health Department rescinded its mask order Oct. 1.



  1. Don't Tread On Me

    President Biden is now the Covid death leader. He declared during the campaign “He” would do a much better job than President Trump controlling and defeating Covid. How’s that working out Joe, ya big liar.
    Besides Covid failing, the border open with thousands of invaders, drugs, and possible terrorists, inflation, doubling of fuel prices, the Afganistan debacle: “experienced” Joe looks pretty damn stupid and we have over three years left with this dementia half wit and his inexperienced administration. Thank you Democrats.

    • Martin DeRaad

      Republican lies are killing children every single day so having you lie yet again when the subject is the death toll from those lies fits what you personally have done every time you comment on these death count updates. They are upsates about our neighbors dying from the lies that you personally have helped to spread. You repeating the lies doesn’t change that they are in fact lies and the death toll in our own backyard continues to rise and that is a fact. Try to stay on subject and not race to repeat lies in the face of dead Allegan County residents.

      • Mr Deraad, it’s pointless to remind these people about common sense or decency. Don’t Tread on Me wants to blame Biden when a majority of these people probably never got vaccinated because they’re against any government mandate to stop the spread of this virus.
        Biden ordered more vaccines supplies and put shots in arms and the CDC told us it would mutate if we don’t reach that 70 percent threshold. If I’m not mistaken, this is the same guy who wasn’t blaming the virus, but other causes of death and he likes to use that fuzzy math suggesting there was over 400 thousand people who passed away from Covid under the orange clown regime. To say Biden has dementia is a joke. Ol’Donald was asking the Georgia secretary of state to look into programmable thermostats that could have changed the vote for Biden. I’m sure a lot of heating and cooling companies are busy replacing those with the old Mercury ones.

        • Dennis Longstreet

          Mr. Annable, I am afraid the no name war hero may have smoked to much opium in his long military career. Being a Trump cult member, he does not know the meaning of false or lies. Do not confuse him with reality. My thermostat voted for Ross Perot.

          • Sorry Mr Longstreet my bag, I still got the old Mercury one, but maybe my digital coffee maker is tied to Dominion voting machines, I better get cyber Ninjas on it. Skoal!

      • Don't Tread On Me

        Mr. DeRaad,
        Sorry to inform you of this but the Republicans aren’t in power.
        And what I’ve informed others in my previous posts, please let me know what was false. The lies being told are coming from Washington D.C.!

  2. Don't Tread On Me

    It was reported General Colin Powell died from complications of Covid 19. It was also reported he was fully vaccinated for Covid 19. Guess following the science didn’t work for Gen. Powell. Our loss, as he was a great and respected American and veteran.

    Rut Row! Now what is the answer?

    And they are firing people for not taking the vaccine. Maybe we should act like Americans and honor liberty and freedom regarding taking or refusing the vaccine.

    • Editor

      Stop telling half-truths! General Powell died of cancer and Covid was listed as a contributing factor. You now are engaging in fear-mongering, a grave disservice to all Americans, just to advance your agenda. Stop it!

      • Don't Tread On Me

        You are making the same point I’ve been making for weeks.

        If you are weakened by another malady, but have Covid virus detected in your body, you are listed as a Covid death.

        It was reported this morning he died from complications of Covid, not cancer. It mentioned nothing of cancer. But it was added in a later report he was suffering from cancer.

        So what did he die from? If he has Covid virus in his body, evidently that takes precedence over cancer?

        You are the half truth spreader by denying Covid is the premier reason for death, regardless of other maladies someone might have. Powell died of complications of Covid.

        • Editor

          You very skillfully make Assertion A, then in response to my challenge, you switch to Assertion B without defending your suggestion that the vaccines don’t really work. Stick to the subject.

  3. Don't Tread On Me

    Mr. Young,
    I never said nor asserted the Covid vaccine didn’t work … the media did. As usual, the media speaks with forked tongue repeatedly. Whether Gen. Powell died of cancer or Covid, Covid will be cited as cause of death on his death certificate.

    I am vaccinated as is my family. Thanks to President Trump and his insistence and pressure on the drug companies and governmental approval agencies.

    But I also believe in natural immunity if a person had Covid and doesn’t see the need for the shot(s). This is America and our rights and freedoms are being disregarded if those who elect to forgo the vaccine, even to the point of being fired.

    None of Congress and other governmental agencies are required to get the vaccine. I would think all federal and state government employees would be required to get the shots. Such is not the case. Only do private enterprise companies, corporations, and the travel industry are berated if they don’t require the jab.

    How many people are being fired because they refuse the vaccine and can we allow such mass firings to take place as it affects our lives, livelihoods, and security? When will this madness end?

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