The Wayland varsity girls’ soccer team evened its overall season record at 6-6 with an 8-0 victory Monday evening over Wyoming.”The Wildcats went on a goal scoring frenzy after their long weekend away,” reported coach Ben Sleeman.

Amanda Brown scored four goals and singles tallies were recorded by Jackie Richardson, Payton Sidebotham, Emily Thompson and Abigail Tuinstra. Assists were dished out by Jackie Richardson, Abigail Tuinstra, Kennedy Thelen (two), and McKenna Bruin.

Lilly Bolliger made one save and posted her fifth shutout of the season.

The victory also brought the Lady Wildcats’ O-K Gold Conference record to 3-5.

The girls will be back home Wednesday evening when they host state-ranked Forest Hills Eastern. Kickoff is 6:45 p.m.

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