American hubris cause for us being No. 1 in COVID-19

ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

By just about any standard I can think of, the United States’ ability to cope with the Coronavirus crisis has been nothing short of abysmal over the last four months.

The U.S. has just 5 percent of the world’s population, but has recorded 25% of the COVID-19 cases and deaths.

The biggest reason is the modern American propensity to convert virtually everything into a political issue, whether it is or not. Too many people in this country have succeeded in turning a serious health issue into a political one, and the results are astonishingly horrible.

It’s too easy to blame President Donald Trump for being asleep at the switch when the first signs of danger appeared, but since then he has had a lot of company. Democrats and Republicans alike have demonstrated an alarming willingness to try to make the other party the goat while failing to do anything constructive themselves. There’s that two-party system showing its ugly side again, not nurturing a unified response to a life-threatening challenge. And right-wingers have succeeded in shaming mask wearers as “wussies” and insisting their bare faces are taking a stand for “freedom.”

Perhaps the most disappointing development is the understanding that too many of our local elected officials do not take this health crisis seriously enough to “do the right thing” and set a positive tone for the rest of us unwashed masses.

(Cartoon courtesy of This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow)

I speak of the simple act of wearing a mask in public places with more than a few people nearby.

If 95% of Americans wore face masks in public, it could prevent 33,000 deaths by October 1, according to the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Even the capitalist giants at Goldman Sachs have estimated that the U.S. could save a ton of money needlessly spent on hospitalizations and ventilators by just wearing the mask.

And though U.S. Senator Rand Paul indicates we shouldn’t follow the guidelines set by medical experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, they have said masks could reduce cases and deaths by as much as 85%. But too many Americans are taking their cues instead from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and a few quacks.

When the crisis first arrived, I took part in many virtual meetings held over the phone or the Internet. The only local government that did not have a virtual meeting that I know of was the Dorr Township Board.

Dorr has had all of its meetings in-person post-Coronavirus, and a majority of the board members, four, refuse to wear masks. Clerk Debbie Sewers has explained the annoyance a mask does to her. Trustee Josh Otto has said he sits far enough away from others not to need to use it. Trustee Terri Rios has insisted she doesn’t mask up for medical reasons, but refuses to explain further.

And Trustee John Tuinstra, when asked why he doesn’t mask up despite sitting closer than six feet away from Treasurer Jim Martin, said to me, “I don’t have to tell you.”

Dorr is not alone in this callous disregard for following advice of medical experts during a pandemic.

When Martin Township returned to an in-person meeting in May, none of the members wore masks. And though the Wayland Board of Education held a slew of virtual meetings, when they went live at the Fine Arts Center, none wore masks.

So the only logical conclusion I can come to is that we arrogant Americans don’t believe we must play by the rules like everybody else. We’re special and immune to the problems. Trouble is, some among us are susceptible and vulnerable.

Many trashed Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for being so strict in implementing stay-at-home orders, even bringing assault weapons into the State Capitol. Yet, as she predicted, Michigan was able to flatten the curve, at least for awhile until she dared to reopen businesses and social activities cautiously.

And now we are watching the crisis nationwide go from bad to worse. But we’re No. 1 on the planet, in deaths, cases, and for that matter people incarcerated.

Our hubris is showing. The consequences are awful



  1. Harry Smit

    Mr Young
    Is it really pride or self confidence = hubris….that is the problem?
    This virus has so many experts saying conflicting things …..we the unwashed masses are confused and can you blame us?
    I am no expert but after all these months social distancing and excellent hygiene are the things that seem to slow this virus down. These are the points 99.99% of the experts agree on.
    In my opinion we all have to answer this question for ourselves. Do we stay locked in our home …visiting noone, have no.visitors, have all our needs delivered so we can disinfect or quarantine them as we see fit…hope the government supports us financially, etc till a vaccine is proven effective.
    Or do we develop self confidence and live our life as best we can not knowing when, where, or how we may die ? With everyone assuming the virus will kill us and it’s possible we may infect others.
    It’s a very hard choice because there is no in between….you follow the guide lines with no exceptions….or say the devil with it and live your life as you would of before this virus.

  2. Basura

    U.S.A.! We’re #1! U.S.A.! We’re #1!
    Europe doesn’t want us visiting there, not even with our fat tourist wallets.
    Mexico said “don’t come here”. Maybe they’ll start to consider paying for Trump’s wall?

  3. MacDougal

    Well if Trump or the “Trumptards” are to blame, they have a long way to go.

    Today 71% more Americans have died in New York nursing homes than in the entire state of Florida. New York’s death rate is 10x the one in Florida.

    Deaths per million:
    New Jersey: 1,708.7

    New York: 1,651.6

    Connecticut: 1,212.2

    Georgia: 264.2

    Florida: 163.2

    Texas: 86.1

    In spite of the numbers, the US death rate is not nearly as high as many other countries. The media narrative that our response on a national level is some kind of “failure” is utter myth. What we have lost is tragic but no nation was prepared for the Wuhan/China Coronavirus or COVID-19.

    Deaths per million:
    Belgium: 854.0

    UK: 657.7

    Spain: 606.9

    Italy: 575.3

    Sweden: 523.7

    France: 445.5

    U.S.: 397.8

    Let’s all just keep in mind what communist China’s total irresponsiblity and disregard for human life has wrought and place the blame where it belongs, on China’s Communist Govenment. We need to unify and sound the alarm now to reverse the toxic geopolitical blunder of allowing them equality with western democracies before it is too late.

    We know Joe Biden thinks the commies in CCP are “good people” but they aren’t.

  4. Couchman

    Next time science deniers are sick, they should call the RNC, Fox News or any number of “conservative” talk radio hosts. Don’t see a physician. They may have been trained at a school that accepted federal funds and don’t go to a hospital because everyone knows they’re propped up by federal and state social safety net funds.

    Those damned health professionals don’t use “common sense” anyway.

    • Don't Tread On Me

      Couchman, you need to run for office. You love government so much, deny the “experts” are at times full of crap, and love to see liberty and freedom taken away from citizens. You are definately an official Socialst, Marxist, Democrat! Wear your badge of shame proudly and Basura should join you.

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