Army Bob: Another terrorist attack, another call for gun control

Army Bob: Another terrorist attack, another call for gun control

We suffered yet one moArmy Bob Salutesre terrorist attack, and the good folks on the left once again fall back to the party line: it is not the criminal nor the terrorist, it is the gun. The lack of logic is monumental; if guns were illegal, crime or terrorism would disappear? I think not.

The attacks in France were in a nation where even the police are not universally armed. As our president says, no other nation has mass killings other than the United States. Our President said this extremely unenlightened thing shortly after the terrorist attacks in Paris, while standing in Paris: no other country (meaning other than the United States) has mass killings? One hundred thirty dead in Paris is not a mass killing? Go figure.

Millions killed by governments using poison gas, starvation and yes weapons, don’t count. Google mass killings with guns other than the United States and you will find hundreds of mass shootings, most occurring in countries with strict gun controls. Our friends in the media, the constitutionally protected watchdogs of the government, proved once again they are the lap dogs of a liberal president, as they did not question him about his ridiculous and blatantly untrue statement.

We are told that strict gun laws in Chicago do not work because criminals can find guns outside of the city limits. As an example of government controls stopping illegal activity, we need only to look to the “war on drugs.” How’s that working out for us? Our friends on the left have a true belief that drugs need to be legal because given the market, they are unstoppable.

The market for firearms exists and it will always exist. If you banned guns, law-abiding folks would not have guns, but truly evil people would have no problem getting weapons from other nations like they do tons of illegal drugs. If we lined up all the rifles produced worldwide based only on the Kalashnikov 1947 operating system end to eBob Traxler_0nd they would circle the earth at the equator twice, well over 100 million.

An AK-47 can be purchased in most countries for less than 100 American dollars; fully automatic models will sell for many thousands on the potential black market in the United States. The profit margin is so massive millions of Americans, Mexicans and other citizens would smuggle boat, train, plane and truck loads of weapons into the nation. No background checks or registry required.

Computerized milling machines are available for a few thousand dollars that can turn an old pile of scrap metal into a fully functional illegal weapon in a matter of hours. Perhaps the liberal folks will support this because it is recycling?

All the above ignores the fact that we have a pesky thing called a Constitution, and the Second Amendment to the Constitution allows Americans the right to own guns. Our friends on the left will tell us we can change the Constitution and do away with the Second Amendment; perhaps we should take them in order and shred the first amendment first. After all, is not the pen mightier than the sword, and bulling a national tragedy? Offensive speech is so pervasive we must have safe zones on colleges and universities.

If you have read the Army Bob column regularly, you know my thoughts on military-type attacks and the need for six or seven support personnel for every trigger puller. Subsequent investigation will reveal a support base of around 12 people who were involved directly or indirectly supporting the San Bernardino terrorist attacks. We are told a number of others, seen by neighbors, were involved in the bomb making operation and someone must have helped to finance the forty to fifty thousand dollars’ worth of guns, munitions and bomb parts. The recent international travel also carries a hefty price tag, and then there is the new Lexus, all on a low level state employee’s salary?

The current administration’s media plan was out of the President Clinton playbook: tell the truth slowly and let the public get bored with the story, revealing the truth over days if not weeks. How many times did the media tell us to just hold off, be patient, we will get the full story then we can judge what we call it, work place violence or a terrorist attack. This strategy was used in the Fort Hood attacks; workplace violence for some months, then they finally called it terrorism.

Islamic terrorists have attacked us for over 200 years, not because of global warming or the Second Amendment as charged by our President, but because we are Infidels and have an open extremely liberal (as compared to Sharia Law) society. The poignant awful truth is terrorist attacks will continue as they have since 1786 and we will need to fight them as we have since 1801. If we turn the other cheek, they will just shoot us in that side of our face.

1 Comment

  1. Free Market Man

    Common sense as told by Army Bob. Liberals, you have nobody to blame but the person in the mirror and your President, who will never say “radical Islam” instead of ISIL or ISIS. Is the President a Muslim in disguise, a modification of the “Manchurian Candidate”? Nobody ever vetted the President to any large degree, nor was it ever reported if found. After the election, a most surprising statement by Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw after the election was secured by Obama, said “there’s much we don’t know about Obama” – and these are in-depth investigative reporters? What we don’t know will and has hurt us as a country. This President is the most incompetent in foreign affairs since Jimmy Carter. And he hasn’t learned a thing on the job because he is an egotistical, narcissistic, statist fool.
    He can’t learn anything, he thinks, because he is so much smarter and clever than anyone. Those that voted for this fool, don’t you feel proud???

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