Army Bob: Be very careful about tolerating Sharia law in U.S.

Army Bob: Be very careful about tolerating Sharia law in U.S.

by Robert M. Traxler

Let’s talk about who is marked fArmy Bob Salutesor punishment in the eyes of radical Islam, ranging from special taxes to death.

Do you believe a woman is the religious, social and legal equal of a man?

Do you believe unmarried women can ever be in the presence of a man not a close blood relative? And that women are not evil, and innocent men do not need to be protected from evil female wiles?

Do you believe people should be able to worship differently than you without being taxed or put to death?

Do you believe how you dress and groom is a matter dictated by your wishes and not your church or government?

Do you believe men and women of the different religions may marry?

Do you believe a woman’s testimony in a court of law has the same weight as a man’s?

Do you believe changing religions is permissible?

Do you accept gay and lesbian folks and feel they should not be put to deatBob Traxler_0h if they refuse to change?

Do you believe women should drive a motor vehicle?

Do you feel it is permissible to deny God without facing a death penalty?

Do you feel religion should not be involved in and not have veto power over the government?

If your answer to any of the above is yes, you are the enemy of radical Islam as practiced in the ISIS/ISIL Caliphate and in many Islamic states.

Americans feel we are good and decent people who can get along with others as long as we are friendly and tolerant. We see no problem saying I was raised a good Catholic or one of the Protestant denominations, but I am not anything any more. We see no problem seeing our daughters go on a date with a nice young man, just the two of them.

We see the separation of church and state as a natural and acceptable way to govern. Americans are careful to treat all people equally regardless of sex or religion and our courts do not discriminate on sex or religion. But all of this is a sin punishable under Islamic law requiring physical punishment (death, stoning, flogging or public humiliation).

We are told that a few radicals are not typical of all Muslims; I have no problem with that statement except for the word, few. Study after study tells us only 3% to 5% of Muslims are radicals (30 to 70 million), but the majority of Muslims in predominantly Muslim nations support or approve of the radicals and the violence they practice. Radicals have an 81% approval rating in a recent al Jazeera poll.

A very interesting statistic is that the average Muslim in the United States earns an income better than the national average; this is important because people are less likely to commit terrorist acts if they are solidly middle class. People in the American Muslim community are less likely to be disgruntled than we find in Europe, and Europeans are far less tolerant and accepting of Muslims than we are.

That said, it is a numbers game; estimates of the Muslim population in the United States range from 5 to 8 million with a fairly accepted number being 6.7 million.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the United States are good Americans and we desperately need to protect them, understand them and welcome them. A widely used figure in studying Islamic terrorism counteraction is that 3% to 5% of a given Islamic population will become radical or directly support radicals. The percentages may be lower in the United States because of social and economic factors; however, the raw numbers are still large.

An excellent question to ask is, why now? Why are extreme Islamic believers killing us in larger numbers today than in past decades or centuries? Because of the existence of Israel? No, they have been a nation for 66 years. Because of the availability of guns in the United States? No, we have had a Second Amendment to our Constitution since 1791. Because of our involvement in the Middle East? No, we have been in and out of the Middle East since 1801.

The two basic causes of the current rise of terror are the success of ISIS/ISIL and the existence of the glorious Islamic Caliphate, ordained by Allah and divinely driven to rule the Middle East and then the world. The radicals are reliving the eighth century as written in the book or Koran, and supporting the spreading of Islam as predicted in the holy Koran. Radical Imams preach death to infidels and glory to the warriors of Allah and the domination and subjection of all infidels.

Once again we must destroy the Caliphate, not move the flag, not rename or relocate it, but destroy the belief in the divinely ordained invincibility surrounding ISIS/ISIL. History since the year 732 A.D. has proven the rising tide of Islamic military domination only recedes when the perceived invincibility of the armies of Allah is destroyed.







1 Comment

  1. Free Market Man

    As always, Army Bob is right, not only in his analysis but in the solution for destroying the radical Islam faction. Make no mistake about it, this will be a future war, and the quicker we and Europe understand that, the better. We will be in the Middle East again with more bloodshed of young men and women and the loss of more American treasure. The Holy War is just starting up again. I doubt Europe will be able to resist the radical Muslims within their midsts – they are too lazy, too elitist, and too politically correct to realize what they have done by letting “refugees” into the various countries. Angela Merkel should be ashamed of her decision to accept these refugees and bringing death and destruction upon the German populace. This is just the beginning. And President Obama wants to do the same thing to America. There should be a special place for those that welcome the enemy within the gates, and they will receive their just rewards in this life or in the next, they will have to answer for their sins.

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