Army Bob: Does government both giveth and taketh away?

Army Bob: Does government both giveth and taketh away?

by Robert M. Traxler

Am I a great guy or what? I am going to give you all money. I made the decision not to take it away from you, so I gave it to you, make sense? No, but who cares?

Not taking something away is a pay raise in the eyes of many. Fail to tax someone or something and you have given them a gift. Lower future taxes as an incentive to get a business to build in your community and bring jobs and other business and increase your community’s income by tens of thousands, and you have bribed and paid business/corporations. You have given corporate welfare to millionaires and billionaires and taken money away from the people.

Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stopping construction of an Amazon facility in her district in New York City is a great example. It would have brought jobs and income to her district, but she called the tax break to make it happen “corporate welfare” and stealing from the poor. How can someone steal what doesn’t exist?

I have never understood how not taking is giving. The only way that makes sense is if we follow the socialist belief that the government owns everything, and it is kind and generous to allow you to keep a portion of it. Really?

If a corporation goes a few feet or miles away from one taxing body to another to get a tax break are they fascist, racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, traitors? Per many on the liberal side of the divide they are.  Apparently if you choose to move into Allegan County and not Kent County because of lower taxes you are stealing from all the folks who reside in Kent? Oh, and you are evil. If you choose one community over another in Allegan County because you get a tax break you are stealing from the people.

Heck if you are a person, a human who works in a corporation you are evil. The term “corporations are people too” is shouted down as stupid and dumb, so what is a corporation, if not people? Then what in the world is it, automatons? Some giant computer that destroys folks for the fun of it? Well yeah per members of the “Squad” they are.

To be a champion of the politically correct movement you must actually believe corporations are not made up of people. We have neighbors who are third generation family dairy farmers who own a corporation a Limited Liability Corporation, (LLC). On paper, they are the evil rich with millions of dollars’ worth of assets in land, barns, and farming equipment. But in reality, they just make ends meet from year to year. Please think over what a wealth tax would do to them and other small businesses, but who cares? They are evil and deserve to be punished.

A wealth tax that starts out on folks worth tens of millions runs out of money in a few years, so they then tax folks whose net worth is lower, and over time even lower and lower.

In most socialist movements it is the mega-city dwellers who start the movement and the rural folks who are hurt the most. Stalin in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collectivized farms and millions starved, mostly in the rural areas. Mao Zedong in the Peoples Republic of China starves 20 million to death, as socialized farms just do not work, but who cares? The theory is sound, the academic principle works; on paper Socialism is a just fair system that is a utopia for the worker. Never forget that socialism always fails over time and leaves in its wake a disaster. Once again, who cares? For a short time life is good, live for today for tomorrow you die.

If the government cuts taxes, it does not give you something, it just doesn’t take as much of your hard-earned income away. Only a confirmed socialist, one who believes that everything, you, your children and your assets, belong to the government, can actually believe not taking is indeed giving.  Really?

So, enjoy the money I gave you today by not taking it away from you.


  1. Basura

    On an unrelated topic, I wonder what a former JAG officer thinks of the pardoning of adjudicated war criminals. I’m not baiting you, Bob, I really am curious about your point of view on this.

    • Robert Traxler

      Mr. Basura,
      I was not a JAG officer but a Military Police Officer, after the required combat arms time. If you are still interested I am working on a column concerning the pardons.
      Thanks for the comment.

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