Army Bob: Don’t overlook leftists’ history of violence

Army Bob: Don’t overlook leftists’ history of violence

by Robert M. Traxler

Violence is never the answer, but… demonstrators should not attack the police, but… arson should not be tolerated, but… burning police stations, killing 20 police officers is not right, but … burning private businesses is wrong, but… looting is not protesting, but… occupying government buildings is not right, but using weapons of war is not protesting, but.

For the last four years we have seen leftist, socialist demonstrations, riots, burning, looting, murder and the takeover of sections of cities by armed leftists. The media was a cheerleader for them, a CNN reporter even saying a demonstration was mostly peaceful as several vehicles burned violently in the background during his report.

Democrat leaders to include Vice President Harris raised money to pay legal fees for those arrested. Folks, you cannot make this stuff up.

Socialist demonstrators attacked the White House, and the media ridiculed the President for going into a secure location during the attack, and rationalized the violence as necessary, even patriotic. The destruction of statues to various American leaders also was celebrated as necessary to emphasize the criminal American history.

But the media forgets the socialist outrages of the past and condemns the right for doing the same type of things in our nation’s capital. These are the same folks who cheered the attackers who stormed the White House, telling us we must understand why they did what they did in attacking the government. Folks, you cannot make this stuff up.

The media has told us Jan. 6, 2021, is the first time the capital was invaded by protesters. Really? March 1st, 1954, an armed group of leftist Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire from the gallery of the House, wounding five congressmen. On the fourth of July 1915,  the Senate was bombed by a Harvard University professor angry over the American support of the allies in WW I.

March 1, 1971, Bill Ayers’ organization, the Weather Underground, bombed the United States Senate.  Mr. Ayres and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn later (after Ms. Dohrn got out of prison) became friends of President Obama’s family in his later life and a hero of the American political and academic left. In 1998, a gunman killed two Capitol police officers while attempting to kill the Republican House Majority Whip Thomas DeLay.

Ask yourself: why were some Democrats fans of the Capitol police who saved them, but changed their minds after political correctness and the cancel culture told them to? How does that work? Perhaps the American left needs to defund the Capitol police? Retrain them to use persuasion and not force, to be more sensitive?

Even after the Capitol police protected the members of congress, some committed socialists are maintaining they are racists and white supremacist, and even President-elect Biden alluded to that. Really? A white female protester was shot and killed by the police; if she had been a BLM member all hell would be breaking loose nationwide.

To the leftist folks and their cheerleaders in the media and the socialist movement, molotov cocktails are weapons of war. A bit of history: The Finnish Army, outnumbered and out gunned, were fighting a Soviet Socialist invasion in 1936. The Russians were a tank-heavy force, and the Finns had a dearth of light anti-tank weapons, so they came up with the firebomb and named it after Vyacheslav Molotov, a leading socialist politician in Russia, serving him a cocktail.

The weapon was amazingly effective aginst Russian armor, as they stored the main gun munitions open in the turret. Firebombs are indeed bombs, that is why we call them bombs.

It is interesting that people who for four years were burning and occupying buildings, looting, attacking the police, throwing firebombs, rocks, frozen water bottles and excrement at police and responsible for 21 deaths are demonstrators, to be understood and celebrated, even rewarded.

So will we see consistency from the defund the police folks who have maintained that we must understand the frustration of the “protesters,” even those using violence, weapons of war and those who called them patriotic, folks like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Kamala Harris?

Not a chance in hell. Socialist violence is celebrated as necessary, even patriotic, but violence in support of the Constitution is criminal; welcome to bias in reporting in the era of the cancel culture.

Please remember that billionaires censoring free speech for profit is not a liberal action. My opinion.


  1. John Wilkens


    Well done my friend………I will pop some popcorn, this should get interesting…………If any one dares to refute the facts (those pesky facts) you brought forth.


    PS How’s your health?

    • Harry Smit

      Mr Wilkens
      Like you I popped a bowl of popcorn. I’m totally disappointed more of those on the Left have not committed.
      Hard to think they are starting to except facts.
      Strange things happening in the Country

  2. Robert M Traxler

    Mr. Wilkens
    John, thanks for the comment. And cheers back at you. Facts do get in the way of feelings and preconceived notions. Health is fine thanks again.

  3. dennis longstreet

    You would think after six years you could write an article worth reading. All You write is about lefties, commies, socialists, things that happened in 1915 1936 1954 1971 1998.
    You say can’t make this stuff up. You don’t have to, Sean Hannity from Fox News does it for you. I believe you think if your team rioted, my team has the right to riot back. Were does it end? Not with your one-sided comments.
    Just my opinion. I have no hatred like you claim I do. Look in the mirror.

    • dennis longstreet

      Wildcat 148, just another commenter hiding behind mommy apron. Your comments mean nothing to me. Send your views to the city the township the school or the state. Sign it wildcat 148 and it will go into the circular file ready for pickup the next day.

  4. Robert M Traxler

    Mr. Longstreet,
    This column has covered hundreds of topics over the last six years, cancer treatment, weather, slavery, crime, the environment, COVID-19 prevention, much to the displeasure of my fellow conservatives, as I advocated for masking up, many other safety and health areas along with history and local issues.
    If we ignore history we make the same mistakes over and over, history teaches us many lessons worth remembering. One thing our editor and I agree on is the value of history.
    This column rarely, very rarely, if ever used the word commies.
    As to one-sided comments this is an opinion column with columnists from the left being in the majority in the paper. Ranger Rick and I balancing the other columnists and editor, who are liberal.
    Your words “All you write is about lefties, commies, socialists, things that happened in 1915 1936 1954 1971 1998.” Perhaps it is good to stay away from the word “all” as it is almost always incorrect.
    I make no apologies for historical columns like the one on the “Spanish Flu” 1918-1920, history can teach us things to avoid doing in this pandemic.
    In the “cancel culture,” I applaud our editor for even allowing different points of view. Free speech is not so free any more.
    And, Mr. Longstreet I have not watched Mr. Hannity in years.
    Thanks for the comment.

    • dennis longstreet

      AB I do apologize for saying all you write is lefties ext. Your masking comments were 100% right. History did repeat itself from the 1918 flu . who fault was that?? I do respect your service to our country and your Dad also .I do not watch Hannity either .

      • Don't Tread On Me

        Who’s fault was that, are you kidding?
        It was a biological weapon from the Communist Chinese. With help from lies told by Fauci and the media. Fauci said don’t wear a mask and go on your cruise, it will be OK. Then when pressured he changed his tune.
        How many people died with Covid being place in nursing homes in New York and Michigan under orders from Cuomo and Whitmer? Where is the blame for that? Thousands dead from spreading infection. The media lies constantly and everybody never questions it, just suck it up like pigs at the feeding trough.

        • dennis longstreet

          Your comments mean nothing to me or anyone else. You are just another commenter hiding under mom’s apron. Big talk, no action, you do not have to be responsible for what you say, mostly bullshit, cause you think nobody knows who you are. What was your plan everyone go and play, but whomever dies, no big deal. I wish you could have been in charge, we would have a lot less people to vaccinate.

  5. dennis longstreet

    Dave what happened to wildcat 148

    • John Jones

      Army Bob censored wildcat 148, like they do me. He says we censored him. He censored me.

      • Editor

        I, the editor, David T. Young, censored you, as I have done when I believe you have crossed the line. I have done the same for others.

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