Army Bob: End-of-the-world scams are profitable

Army Bob: End-of-the-world scams are profitable

by Robert M. Traxler

William Henry Gates III, a hero of the rank and file of the progressive movement and a multi billionaire, along with Prince William (the King in waiting to the throne of England) and Michael Bloomberg, are issuing a caution that climate change just might not be as bad as the climate industry has told us it is.

They went on to say the science that was and is settled and undeniable that the world will end in 2025, 2030 or 2050 are not true. The comments were made at a climate change conference Sept. 19 in New York City. 

We have seen this pattern before. The global cooling, acid rain, hole in the ozone layer and global warming were all deadly and going to murder all life on earth. As the predicted time of death of us all has neared, the rhetoric cooled and then disappeared.

Indeed, Mr. Gates stated that the world will not end by a date certain as promised by the sainted Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, whom he named in the interview as being an alarmist. Mr. Gates admitted that the man-made impact of pollution has been over weighted, and Prince William said the actions taken to curb climate change seem to be working; but wait, carbon has increased, not decreased?

Thanks to China and now India burning billions of tons of soft dirty coal? Can it be that the data is not supporting the guaranteed outcome the social influencers and real, correct scientists want it to be?  Do they want to be on the winning side so they can say they never said the world will end?

United States Treasury Security Janet Yellen said at the same meeting that the investments in carbon neutral plants and carbon offsets, a program that allows pollution if the corporation pays a fee to the progressive movement, have made the Earth a cleaner place. Interesting how the political donor class is paying off the environmental corporations to turn a blind eye to massive pollution in the third world. 

We are told by our vice president that the current young generation is suffering from “climate anxiety” due to the dark cloud of climate change ending all life hanging over their heads. They are not having children because they may not have a future. In my youth way back in the last century, the same type of anxiety existed due to the threat of nuclear holocaust and global cooling.

A few years ago those of us who questioned climate change or global warming were called damned science deniers; the ‘science’ proved beyond any doubt that the Earth is on an inevitable end by 2030 unless we cut worldwide carbon by 5% per year. Well, we did not do that; worldwide it is increasing. Why do we do not see that “undeniable truth” any more, and why are folks not being yelled at and called dreaded science deniers?

Army Bob Traxler

Hell, people who comment in the pages of this newspaper said people who denied the settled science of climate change ending the world should not receive treatment for cancer because we do not believe in science. Do those folks feel stupid? Not at all, they just move on to the next disaster and wish the folks a slow death who do not agree with them. 

Will we see a mea culpa from the progressive movement? Will the AOCs of the world say they were wrong? Fat chance. Will our president and vice president, former speaker of the House of Representatives and majority leader of the Senate say they were wrong? Will hundreds of talking heads on the leftist media and the good folks on “The View” say they were wrong? Don’t hold your breath. 

It will take a few years, but climate change will go the way of the other four or five end-of-all-life scams. The big question is, what is next? We have had an end-of-the-world scenario due to manmade pollution since the early 1960s; it is just too lucrative and profitable an issue for the leftist movement not to continue using.

Any reasonable and prudent person will wager a new end-of-the-world climate disaster will be forthcoming before the next decade. Who knows what it will be, but it is coming. My opinion. 


  1. Jake Gless

    Might be time to take grandpa’s keys away.

    • David A. K.

      Might be time to be respectful already?But who am I? My opinion.

      • Robert M Traxler

        David A.K. thanks for the comment. It should be easy for the Progressives to counter the arguments if the column is incorrect. Thanks again.

  2. Robert Traxler

    President Biden? I agree, thanks for the comment.

  3. MacDougal

    Don’t have to wait too long for a liberal to pop in and spout ridicule.

    • Robert M Traxler

      Thanks for the comment. If you cant debate the facts you attack the author.

    • Jake Gless

      MacDougal, have you ever noticed how so many rightywhities go instantaneously to being the victim? (Seriously. Pay attention to the pattern and you won’t unsee it.) You guys need thicker skin. My goodness.

    • Jake Gless

      1.) Bill Gates, Prince William, and Michael Bloomberg are not remotely close to progressive ideology. Anyone who didn’t immediately cringe when they read the first paragraph needs to read up on their political ideologies. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better example of status quo establishment whiteguys.

      2.) None of you—nor I—can name a single noteworthy person who claims the world will end in a few years, yet it’s a broken record in Mr. Traxler’s comments.

      3.) Climate deniers have their head in the sand. In the past thirty years, right under our noses, the planting zones in Michigan have warmed from a 4-5 to a solid 6 accommodating zone 7.

      4.) This opinion piece from Mr. Traxler is straight misinformation relying on stunted rhetoric and logical fallacies. It would receive a poor grade if it were a high school paper.

      • Robert M Traxler

        Mr. Gless,
        Our President, Vice President, former Vice President Albert Gore, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Chuck Schumer, and thousands on the Progressive side of the debate all stated climate change was settled undeniable science, and that if we did not cut carbon by 5% every year the end is irreversible in 2030. Our president stated that climate change is a bigger danger than a Nuclear war! Google “Who said the world will end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change”, and read it for yourself. Thanks for the comment.

        • Jake Gless

          Mr. Traxler, naming a handful of neolib ghouls does not disprove the problem of man-made climate change. Nobody would rationally argue that Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or Joel Osteen’s existence disproves anything that you don’t like. That’s the exact sort of rhetorical argument that is such faulty reasoning that it can’t be taken seriously.

          • Robert M Traxler

            Mr. Gless.
            Your words “None of you—nor I—can name a single noteworthy person who claims the world will end in a few years, yet it’s a broken record in Mr. Traxler’s comments.” I gave you 6 and gave you a way to find more. You never let the facts get in your way, thanks for the comment.

  4. David A. K.

    I am guessing many of us have rather tough and dense skin. Was that a racial term that was used already? I once heard a prominent speaker lecture about those who are selfhating, what a life already. My opinion, my choice.

  5. Jake Gless

    “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” —Pres. George W. Bush, 2004

    Mr. Traxler, none of those figureheads said that absurd doomsday prophesy. You are twisting scientific research into a nonsensical argument. Look up the leading research by our scientists at NOAA and NASA and argue against that instead please.

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