Army Bob: Hatred disguised as social justice is still hatred

Army Bob: Hatred disguised as social justice is still hatred

The new politically correct terArmy Bob Salutesm used by the folks who make their living on racial division is the elimination of “White Privilege.” Is the call for the elimination of white privilege a call for a socially mandated disdain for all non-minority Americans? We need to examine the term and see what the anti-white privilege movement is advocating for, not merely what it is against.

Granted, I only spent a few dozen hours studying the white privilege movement, but for the life of me I cannot find what the movement is for. According to David Horowitz the goal is to show the evil of white people; Peggy McIntosh writes, “White privilege is hand in hand with male privilege,” and Barbara Kay maintains it teaches white self-hate. One essay teaches the dangers of white people’s perception they are “normal.”

The white privilege movement will tell us white people need to be punished to atone for the institution of slavery. My family did not reside in the United States during the period the despicable institution of slavery existed, but it is my fault? My wife’s great-great grandfather, who emigrated from Germany, fought for the Union in 14 battles in the American Civil War, was wounded three times and never owned a slave; but slavery is his great-great, granddaughter’s fault?

The sins of the father or mother being visited upon the children is a concept Americans reject as inherently unfair and just plain wrong in almost all things, but it is celebrated in the social justice movement.

On Feb. 5, our President, in an effort to rationalize atrocities committedBob Traxler_0 by ISIS/ISIL, condemned all current Christians (for the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century (warning us to not be on our high horse). He also held the Christian religion responsible for slavery, even though most enslaved Africans were first enslaved by Muslim slave traders and slavery existed longer in Muslim countries than Christian. Many Muslim nations had slavery into the 20th century one into the 21st century.

Only the politically correct left, supported by the media, could get away with blaming American Christians for what the Spanish did 284 years before the United States ever existed as a nation. Only the politically correct left could hold all Christians alive today responsible for the Crusades a thousand years ago, and make a moral equivalency to what ISIS/ISIL is doing crucifying, burning, raping, and burying infidels and Muslims alive today.

The social justice movement in academia is now hand in hand with the white privilege movement; they call for white people to be “aware” they are privileged and unfair to others. Once again, the left is stereotyping all members of a group, as evil an act of prejudice in itself.

Slavery in the United States was abolished after some 410,000 Union soldiers died, four generations ago; Jim Crow laws were abolished two generations ago and the folks who make a living by supporting the “white privilege” movement will tell us things are worse today than they were when slavery existed. That is so unenlightened on its face it could only exist in a politically correct environment that will not allow dissent or even common sense.

Rather than doing the noble act of building minorities up and celebrating the wonderful accomplishments of American minorities, the whited privilege movement is concentrating on tearing down white people; why? Hate and division are destructive concepts no matter who advocates them and should not be celebrated on our college and university campuses. Our institutions of higher learning are bastions of the 5% in the hate America first movement; this is merely one more chapter in the anti-everything American, Progressive/Liberal propaganda pamphlet.

The American extreme left and right have a bad habit of denying the good because it is not the perfect. The United States is not perfect, but we are better than all the rest, a fact the radicals will never acknowledge. A lifetime of hating our country will never be changed, don’t even try; hating America is a virulent virus that no antibiotic will remedy.

White privilege is one more way to rationalize the enormous failure of the massive social justice “Great Society” socialist programs. It is also a way to ensure failure is accepted and rationalized, blaming all failures on “white privilege.”

Let’s stop the hate and division, let’s acknowledge and celebrate all Americans. We will never be perfect but we are overall the best and it takes all Americans united to make us the best. Hate disguised as social justice is still hate.

1 Comment

  1. Jake Gless

    I think looking at “privilege” through a national lens is awfully short-sighted. As Aristotle recognized, we are citizens of the world. Sure, “slavery” (whatever that term means) may have been abolished in the US 150 years ago, but I would say we’ve just outsourced it. Does anyone have any clothes that weren’t made by someone earning 30 cents a day? How about electronics? Anyone?

    “White guilt” is a pretty undesirable term . . . I would more accurately refer to that feeling as a heightened awareness.

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