Army Bob: Socialists want to control the unwashed masses

Army Bob: Socialists want to control the unwashed masses

Army Bob SalutesA hot topic of debate during the pending presidential election will be our nation’s movement to Socialism. Or the “expansion of Big Government,” as Republicans call it; the Social Justice movement as Democrats call it.

Quite frankly I cannot understand why the folks like President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley or Elizabeth Warren are so terrified of being called a Socialists. A number of nations have Social Democrats as a party and the title “Social Democrats” fits the American Democratic Party to a tee. Why not cut to the chase and call a Socialist a Socialist?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines socialism as “A social system in which the processes possess both the political power and the means of producing and distributing goods.” A tactful way of saying the government runs every aspecBob Traxler_0t of our lives.

I was sentenced for good behavior to three years hard labor in Washington D.C.; no true soldier wants to be stationed in Washington away from the real Army and be a bureaucrat in a nice blue and gold suit, but there I was. A very strange thing happens to folks who go to Washington; they rapidly come to believe they are better, smarter and more capable than the unwashed masses who are not the chosen ones in Washington.

After the midterm elections of 2010 a number of Tea Party Republicans elected to the House refused to rent or purchase a house in the D.C. area and lived in their offices. The Washington establishment was apoplectic, how dare they not join the closed, close society that is the Washington elite? House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi was indignant to say the least, as were a number of folks from both parties. How could anyone not want to join the “Royal Family” that are the deities of our nation?  What was wrong with them?

You see Washington firmly believes they need to parent us. We are not capable of adult thought and rational decisions. This attitude angers Republican voters, but is supported by many Democratic voters. I have never understood my liberal friends who feel the average American is ignorant and needs government to control all aspects of their lives.

A wake-up call for my liberal friends: the folks in Washington look at you, yes you, as a member of the ignorant and unwashed masses. You may be a Democratic voter and feel you are the protector of the poor and ill-informed, but to the socialist elite in Washington you are a minion who needs them to control your life. You are not one of them, so they are “’in loco parentis” your perennial decision makers, not unlike the administration of a grade school treats a child.

The Democrats in Washington will tell you that  you need them to protect you from the evil Capitalists, even as they take millions from Capitalists. The liberals will tell us they need to protect the poor and down trodden from an unjust society, as they do more long-term harm to minority communities than anyone else. Please explain how having four generations of welfare families is social justice? President Clinton and Republicans tried to fix a broken system with the Work Fair Program; however President Obama unraveled the fix and reinstated the failed system, and social welfare recipients grew rapidly. Only a confirmed Socialist could look at welfare growth as a positive; government assistance should not be a multi-generational way of life, but as President Reagan said, “a safety net, not a lifestyle.”

We are moving at light speed headlong into Socialism; the government believes they are our saviors and protectors like the kings of old, like the aristocrats of old Europe, and folks who want to be ruled rather than governed love it, support it and vote for it.

Think about it: how could an elected member of congress spend four to thirty years in Washington, live there, play there, send their kids to school there and not become an insider? Very few avoid the trap, and join the “royal family” of the elite Washington insiders. The more a person becomes an insider the more they believe in Washington controlling our lives, the more they believe in Socialism.

The mantra of the confirmed Socialist and the Washington elite is that government is not just a force for good, it is the only force for good.

Never forget, my liberal friends, that you are a member of the unwashed masses in the eyes of the national Social Justice movement and they must protect you from yourself. The Washington elite will control every aspect of your life if you let them, but perhaps you embrace that.


  1. Jeff Salisbury

    Bob you express concern about members of Congress who spend “…thirty years in Washington, live there, play there, send their kids to school there and not become an insider?” — some good news…. of the 435 members of the House – over 400 were elected in 2001 or after. Furthermore, you expressed additional concern that members of Congress who live and work and send their kids to school in D.C. or even nearby are subject to being trapped in the “royal family” —- more good news — they don’t. Not according to this report anyway – many it seems are living out of the offices and most certainly did not move their families to the D.C. or nearby.

    • Robert m Traxler

      Jeff, one must question the “Home of record” as opposed to residence. Part of the game is to have a local address in the home district as the voting address and a domicile in the D.C. area. For legal record and tax purposes they “live” in the State they represent but are at home in Washington.
      The point is they” join the unit” as we called it in the military; they become a member of Congress and Washington insiders and feel superior to all of us. The metamorphosis only takes a few months.
      During my sentence in Washington we owned a home in Centerville Va. on the edge of the Manassas Battle Field, but my home of record, legal residence, was in South Haven Michigan.

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