Army Bob: The U.S. is outsourcing world pollution

Army Bob: The U.S. is outsourcing world pollution

by Robert M. Traxler

President Joe Biden stopped the importation of Russian oil. Good for him, but think of this: We are now sending diplomats to Venezuela and Iran to try to make up supply, so when will we regret funding even more of our enemies? Who cares? We are not buying American oil, so it is all good?

American oil is bad, but oil from most other nations is good; just how that works is a mystery to me. American coal is bad, Russian and North Korean coal is good? American natural gas is bad, other nations’ gas is good? Just how that works cannot be questioned; if you do you are anti-environment and of course a racist.  

The White House has now released a statement saying we can blame the rise in the cost of fuel on Russia. Gas was nearly $3.20 a gallon before the ban on Russian oil, $110 a barrel before the “embargo,” but who cares?  The American socialists have found their bogeyman to blame the problem on. It was a problem that started the day President Biden was elected, and long before Russia started its troop buildup on the boarders with Ukraine.

The socialist left needs “The Posse” and their followers to prepare for the mid-terms, the true believers who will donate, knock on doors, stuff envelopes, and get out the vote, who are devoted to the religion of Global Climate Change, and National Socialism. They are the folks who want to ban all fossil fuel today, not when we have alternative energy available. As the midterms near and the far left is committed to the Democrats, we will see the socialist movement move more to the right, and if they continue to control the White House, House of Representatives and Senate, will run back to the radical left immediately after the elections.     

The White House will tell us that the vile energy industry has 9,000 untapped leases to drill on federal land. President Biden had in his three-foot-high stack of presidential orders he signed in his first few weeks in office, draconian restrictions on when and how oil is drilled. Those make the new drilling on those 9,000 leases more expensive, and very time consuming to get federal EPA, DOT, and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) approval. The BLM, DOA, EPA, NOAA, DOI conducts more than 61,000 inspections of oil production facilities in the United States per year, leveling over $130,000,000 in fines, ensuring compliance with environmental laws in our nation and zero in other nations.

Army Bob Traxler

The facts are pesky thing as they get in the way of feelings; do not forget that American energy is bad, other sources good, American pollution is bad, other nations’ pollution is not. We are outsourcing our pollution and the American left ignores it. Producing anything in China, a nation with very limited enforcement of environmental laws, is good, producing things in our nation, providing jobs and things vital to our well being like the components for lifesaving antibiotics, is bad. Producing steel in our nation is bad, producing it in China is good.

“American oil imports from Russia have dropped since last May, long before the invasion loomed, according to the Energy Information Administration. After hitting a peak of 27,171,000 barrels in May 2021, imports dropped in December to 12,569,000, the agency reported,” per US News & World Report. However, the gift that keeps on giving is the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Within days of the “ban” the White House tweeted that we need to blame Vladimir Putin for the high gas prices, forgetting the cost of gas was $4.00 a gallon before the embargo of Russian oil. Forget that American oil is simply cheaper to turn into all oil products than foreign oil, it is all Putin’s fault, and not the American left’s embargo on American oil production.

Ask yourself why Saudi Arabia is refusing to increase oil imports to the United States. Ask yourself, as the media will not tell you: the answer is that  they are up in arms with us because of our insistence on seeing that Iran gets a nuclear weapon. As President Barack Obama said, Iran will get “the bomb;” our goal is to slow the process down a few years, saying that a few years ago. The Saudis are not happy with the Iran nuclear deal that our nation is actively pursuing. Iran has armed anti-Saudi forces; they are indeed the number one state sponsor of terrorism, and they call for the elimination of Saudi Arabia. I for one do not blame the Saudis.  

Once again, most of the media is not telling us the whole truth to prop up a National Socialist American government.  My opinion.


  1. Bob Moras

    When will Biden give up his Limo (the Beast) for an electric vehicle? When will Fed vehicles that Pelosi, Schumer and the like be switched over to electric vehicles? They should be leading by example, no?
    A friend of mine just told me his home insurer is balking to reinsure his home, because the electric vehicle he bought (and the charging device) is deemed a fire hazard. In order to get his home insured (in Maryland) he had to suffer a huge premium increase.
    And if that is not enough, it is estimated his electric bill will be $2200 higher. His previous gasoline costs for last year was $1500. All for what, so electric companies can burn more fossil fuels to produce the necessary increased energy? Didn’t California just ask residents to cut back on charging, because the grid could not handle the additional surge? I read they are going to come up with a program where you will be allotted a time of day for charging your vehicle, Let’s be real here. We are not prepared for this yet. And until we are, we will be dependent on oil. Inhibiting domestic oil production is lunacy at this point in time.

    • Robert M Traxler

      Mr. Moras,
      A time will come for electric vehicles just not in this decade or perhaps the next. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Don't Tread On Me

    Army Bob, another fine truth bomb on Biden and cronies! When will the Democrats wake up? When we are fully Communist? We’ve one hell of a start.

    • Robert M Traxler

      Thanks for the comment. We will see what the midterms tell us.

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