Army Bob: We’re a lot more vulnerable than we think

Army Bob: We’re a lot more vulnerable than we think

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation”, — President Ronald Reagan

by Robert M. Traxler

About 20,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended at our southern border so far this fiscal year, processed then released. The 11 million total migrants this year does not count the ones that were not processed by the Homeland Security Agency, referred to as “got aways.”

One news report, one of the few that cover the invasion of our nation by over 11 million “migrants,” showed a line of Chinese nationals who crossed into our nation illegally; of the 16 military aged men, 11 were standing at the position of attention while standing in line.

Different armies teach soldiers how to stand at the proper position of attention. Tmthe Chinese army teaches their troops to stand with their fingers extended and centered on the seam of their trousers, different from our soldiers who are trained to cup their hands with thumbs touching the seam. Properly trained muscle memory has a trained soldier going automatically into the proper position, telling us that these were trained Chinese soldiers. All 16 were allowed to enter our nation with no further investigation into the who, what, when and why of their entry.

Chinese citizens have been indoctrinated for four generations now, with socialism being the political system, and limited capitalism being the economic system. It is limited capitalism, as the government controls wages prices and production while allowing some private ownership. The Chinese government is a replacement for traditional church and family ties. A young military age person is dedicated to the state; so why are those Chinese nationals here? Who cares? Don’t ask, don’t tell, let ’em in.

If you and 15 others showed up at the Chinese border, along with anyone from of over a dozen nations, as an American citizen, and asked for entry, do you think they would give you a debit card, a plane or bus ticket to the area of your choice in China, with no vetting of who you are and why you were there? It would not happen.

Street gang members from various nations and “migrants” from nations who harbor hatred for our nation are let in with an open-door policy; no positive identification required. Many migrants toss out their identification before crossing our borders. 

Many years ago, I was a member of a study group called the Land Defense of CONUS (Continental United States). The premise was that the military was fighting two wars on two different continents and stretched to the breaking point. The terrorist threat in CONUS was high and the military could not be used to defend against it. We were to identify probable targets, prioritize them and recommend defensive operations. It did not take long then to discover how vulnerable we as a nation are to a terrorist threat, and today we are even more vulnerable.  

Army Bob Traxler

Pipelines bringing fuel from the Gulf Coast to the northeast, west and midwest, spanning thousands of miles. Electrical distribution and generation, river locks and choke points, bridges and roads are particularly vulnerable. Point targets like harbors, airports and trucking ground transfer stations were easier to defend, but the linear targets were not. Rupture unguarded major fuel pipelines or pumping stations, set them on fire, and the nation grinds to a halt in three to five days. Damage a few dozen large electrical distribution facilities and we will see immediate problems.

Sept. 11 needed only 19 evildoers. We have, 11,000,000 not or poorly vetted migrants, from more than 100 nations, some belligerent nations, in our homeland. A simple plan to attack our massive unguarded infrastructure needs less than .001 percent of the millions to damage our nation for years to come, destroying our economy and directly and indirectly causing the deaths of tens of thousands. 

The 9/11 terrorists were mostly all legally in our nation, but so are the migrants, until their hearings in one to ten years from now. The threat increases dramatically when we add in coordination with domestic terrorists.   

Even the partisan progressive Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Director Christopher Wray has expressed a “grave concern” about the terrorist threat constituted by unfettered immigration from some of the most militant nations worldwide. It is past time we protect our homeland by securing our border.

My opinion.  


  1. MacDougal

    I truly hope you are wrong. If you are not, the responsibility for something happening would be crystal clear and undeniable. Hopefully something like you describe never happens.

  2. Bass Man

    All you say is true, no one can deny it no matter how hard they try.

    I ask this question of all who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket:
    If you knew then what you know now with all of the following:
    • inflation caused by presidential executive orders and Democrat additional Covid relief, eliminating any new oil drilling permits on federal lands and elimination of the oil pipeline with Canada.
    • High gas/fuel prices.
    • Invasion of the southern border with 12-plus million illegal aliens.
    • Increased crime and homelessness.
    • Afganistan withdrawal debacle, causing 13 service member deaths and hundreds of Americans left behind.
    • $86 billion in war machines (tanks, APCs, helicopters, aircraft, all types of munitions, small arms, mortars, cannons – most brand new).
    • Giving Iran billions of dollars from the Obama deal. Trump curtailed the payments. Biden reaffirmed them.
    • The Biden Crime Syndicate using Joe selling influence and access.
    • The firing of the prosecutor looking into Burisma/Hunter corruption. Joe told Ukraine authorities to fire him or they weren’t getting the billions. “SOB they fired him!”
    • Joey had shown glimpses of dementia behavior while campaigning for the office, but now it is obvious to everyone. Even the liberal media can’t hide it. He falls up stairs, soils his pants (Vatican incident), and gives very few open interviews and appearances.
    • Dr. Jill should be ashamed the family allows this shell of a man to continue to lead the country, knowing he is mentally deficient.
    Would you look in the mirror and proclaim you would vote for this shell of a man again?
    If you affirm yes, you are as delusional as President Biden. If you can’t vote for his opponent, just don’t vote.

    • school

      WOW! You really have bought into the lies told to you by tRump and his republican cult. Unbelievable what you people will believe!! First, there have not been 11-12 MILLION illegal migrants. Second, you can blame the REPUBLICAN congress for voting AGAINST border reform bills put forth by the bipartisan group not once but twice! Inflation is down and under control, stock market has set multiple record highs, unemployment is near record lows, wages have increased more than any time in history. I could go on and on but you already know these facts but just won’t believe the truth. Anyone who would vote for a convicted criminal for president needs some psychological help. Biden is not the best president ever and I believe he is too old, however, this is what we have right now and Biden (even in a vegetative state) is better than someone who wants to dismantle our constitution!

      • Deb

        Agreed! Checking my investments now! Biden’s done a wonderful job.

      • Bass Man

        You are correct, my facts and figures must be wrong .. the Biden team says so.
        Independent sources have ascertained inflation since the Biden administration took over have eaten on average $11,400 more out of your wages. Higher fuel prices, food costing more, and services inflated because of the shortage of workers, needing to pay more for entry level jobs with 0 experience except breathing individuals.
        The border reform bill is a joke. Allowing thousands to enter the country instead of cutting off entry. There will be no vetting of lawbreaker illegal aliens.
        The only way to get this moving is separate the border, Ukraine and Israel funding into separate bills.

        The issue of stock markets going higher is in spite of Biden’s BS bills and orders is because markets move on opportunity. Not politics. The growth is there until it isn’t.

        Trump is the best choice moving forward, not dementia Joe.

    • More Delusional comments from DTOM, who I thought was banned from TB

    • Deb

      Hard to imagine anyone still supporting this grifter. Ranked worst president in history. Can you imagine how vulnerable we would be if he returned to office? In such financial disarray the Russians and Chinese would own him. Drumpf is our biggest danger.

      • Jake Gless

        The latest gilded sneakers are almost certainly another money-laundering scheme—just like those trading cards were —to slip him some desperation funds from Russia and Saudi Arabia.

        • Bass Man

          Oh Mr. Gless, you forgot the gold coin offer!
          To those saying their stock market gains had anything to do with Biden or his idiotic policies, you are delusional and have no idea how the market works. The huge push in AI, medical, and the huge investments in the big three holder of corporate and private wealth are the contributing factors. You may want to look at the corresponding rise in gold prices, signaling softness in the market and possible recession. All those gains can disappear suddenly like in 1929.
          Biden is a joke. Good luck in November with “nowhere man”!
          I’ll take Trump everyday and twice on Sunday. Get your mail-in ballot vote stuffing scheme going again in 2024 and love those Dominion voting machines to get more votes!

          • Tony Baloney

            Hello BM,

            Have you heard of the Chips Act?
            Do you understand the recent growth of US semiconductor companies, and the resulting effects on the broader markets?

            I believe you still have a significant lack of understanding regarding the fundamental way our technological development system works. For more than a century, it has been developed and propagated by the federal government -primarily by Democrat initiated and sponsored legislation.

            Remember, the Internet was not invented by Al Gore, but he was pivotal in bringing it to the people, businesses and the whole wide world.

            The anger you express is a sure sign of denial. It can be overwhelming to wrestle with the realization that you have been misled, duped or conned.

            It can be liberating and extremely beneficial to one’s health when they find the strength to accept the reality of a situation and move on to higher ground.

          • Deb

            Not one of frumps old cabinet members support him. Not one. Zero. Nada. Doesn’t that tell you something?

    • Real American

      There was no greater threat to our democracy than Trump. No one can deny it, no matter how hard they try.
      The Chinese imposed tariffs decimated our economy. The wall was an abysmal failure. The ENTIRE initial response to Covid was a complete disaster. We were getting cozy with Russia and North Korea while at the same time alienating long time allies.
      Trump idolizes Victor Orban. He pardoned criminals. He stocked the Supreme Court with grifting fascists. He is unfaithful to his wife. He considers the criminal traitors who stormed our nation’s Capitol “victims.”
      His business failures far outweigh his successes.
      Oh, and he’s a convicted felon. Would you look in the mirror and proclaim you would vote for this shell of a man again? If you affirm yes, you are as delusional as FORMER President Trump.
      And I didn’t even have to attack his character to prove my point. Be a better arguer and ditch the ad hominem attacks. Because if you want to go there, I could crash this server with all of the things I could say about DJT as a human being.

  3. Tony Baloney

    Mr RMT,

    Thank you for sharing your understanding of this recently distributed concern. I appreciate your contributions to the threat assessment you shared, and of course all of the time and effort you have given serving our nation. Although, I suspect gratitude from others or myself is not the motivating factor in these endeavors.

    I would like to believe that understanding potential threats involves a likelihood factor, and a weighting of probability, possibility, and priority among other potential infiltration or attacks on our security. If this is the imminent, pressing danger it is made out to be by right wing media, why has it been disregarded repeatedly by the GOP legislature? Why did congressional Republicans backpedal and capitulate to DJT regarding border security and immigration reform?

    According to the repeatedly failed businessman, proven con artist, and former reality television celebrity himself, he demanded inaction on this legislation so that he could continue to use it to motivate voters through fear. DJT told them, DO NOT PASS the bill they were about to finalize. The GOP did a complete one-eighty, and capitulated in a stunning display of insult to the intelligence of, and reliance on blind faith displayed by their constituents. Unrealistic, unaddressed, and intentionally unclear fear is a method long used to bypass logic, manipulate, and misdirect the masses.

    I am concerned that the GOP has broken down beyond the point of inaction they are traditionally known for. I have concern that the unending infighting, lack of any real direction, and the inability to do anything at all, is perhaps the greatest threat to this nation presently. They have continually demonstrated that they are unable to understand the reality of situations, unable to elect or support a congressional leader. Let alone doing the real work of creating, developing, or passing any legislation. On everything from their biggest fears to the most mundane of citizenry needs, the GOP is paralyzed with inaction.

    They recently spent an unreasonable amount of time replacing their own leader in the House of Representatives. Right now they are attempting to do it again, during yet another impending shutdown situation. A few weeks ago the republicans were supposedly going to impeach the president, no actual evidence, no plan, no ability. A lot of time and vocal energy has been spent on the president’s son regarding his personal issues and business practices(things that the former president’s sons have also done) in order to distract from their inability to lead. Even these efforts have failed to produce any actual result. This is while they are in majority control and have the numbers on their side.

    This should not be any surprise considering the culture and leadership “method” that has been demonstrated and instilled by the former reality television personality. The approach of proclaiming absolute ability while remaining clueless, followed by the continual process of blaming then replacing any related subordinate that actually does the real work, every time a failure to plan plays out is a recurring theme on every reality television franchise. The ignorant and gullible fan cult have reduced our process of government and national leadership into cheap, dramatic and comedic entertainment. It is now more about emotional thrills, scoring points in a personality contest, and feelings of superiority, rather than what is productive to the future of our nation.

    At this present time, even the Michigan GOP is unable to stop infighting and focus on their tasks at hand. There are two separate individuals, both claiming to be the head of the GOP party in our state, and they both deny the legitimacy of the other. This is what happens when a group blatantly denies the established rules and procedures of electing leaders that have been relied on and proven effective for centuries. It has become a competition of personal gain. Narcissistic tendencies and tactics now supersede any action for the people they are supposedly serving.

    With regard to individual Chinese immigrants, whether they enter this nation through approved methods or have found a way to “cheat” and bypass traditional, preferred paths. I feel that it is worthwhile to honestly assess why they are coming to this country. Could it be a covert military operation designed to infiltrate and attack? Sure that is possible, however it is not the most likely motivation. It is much more probable that the desire to live in a relatively free society, and the possibility of gaining a better life for oneself or family is far more likely.

    This is a force that has been propelling Chinese nationals(and people from all corners of the world) since before the railroads crossed our land. China is currently in a massive recession, they are dealing with a real estate financial crisis similar to -though much larger than what we went through fifteen or so years back. This is on top of the many practices and policies in China that drive those with the desire for freedom to immigrate.

    One could simply dismiss this with the notion that they ought to “follow the rules” and enter the proper, legal way. This has become an increasingly futile approach considering the way in which the most vocal, celebrated, US officials publicly disregard any law as it suits their needs. If the best leadership trait is leading by example -this is what happens when laws are ignored. We have become a nation known throughout the world as accepting of rule breaking. We have a prominent culture of, and even a religion that worships at, the altar of self assured assertion.

    As to the theory that Chinese individuals standing at attention with their hands flat at their sides is an indicator of military training. I feel this is very weak evidence(possibly even paranoia) considering the way Chinese school children are trained in this method. The militant educational methods are often a talking point against communist countries, it is interesting that these are dismissed when convenient.

  4. Bass Man

    Mr. Baloney,
    We understand who was “duped”; Democrats – by a basement dwelling invalid dementia patient. We’ve had to endure 3 + years of this dolt and his clown administration. More freaks than a circus.
    Anybody following and supporting Biden and his Crime Syndicate get what they deserve:
    Being ruled by elites and New World Order Marxists. If you value freedom and liberty, but I’m blowing in the wind because all Biden supporters are Marxists already march in lockstep under Joey and the horde of Democrats.

    • Tony Baloney

      Hello again BM.

      I am unable to interpret anything from your statement other than labels and base denigration, combined with incoherent reference to outlandish conspiratorial panic. It is unfortunate and embarrassing that your communications tend to come across as foolish and irate.

      Spitting hollow characterizations repetitively does nothing but further discredit your uninformed arguments. You might do well to provide some actual, factual, relevant examples with details.

      The angry schoolyard bully tactics continue, because that is all the MAGA cult has. Nothing but vitriol, only ignorant childish name calling, year in, year out. The thing about these fear based alarmist tropes, that are stuck on repeat, is that they have become a “boy that cries wolf” scenario. If any of these things were remotely present, no one of sound mind would buy it at this point anyway.

      I wish you the best BM or DTOM, as I do everyone.

      • Robert M Traxler

        Mr. Baloney,
        Please read your comment, you used the same tactics you accuse Bass Man of using. As does most of the Progressive folks who comment. Why is it bad for one side but good for the other side? President Biden has called everyone who voted for President Trump unamerican, terrorists, racists, sexists, homophobic and a few more names.

        • Tony Baloney

          You are correct RMT,

          I guess I thought it was worth a shot to attempt communication in his format. What was I thinking, he only wants to control, criticize, and denigrate others. While ironically having some sort of imagined ultimate freedom for himself and his approved ideals.

          For reiteration and clarity’s sake, I do not support our current president, or the out of touch leftist extremism. I am also entirely Anti-DJT, and completely against the MAGA lunacy.

          It is disheartening that so many are unable to realize that there is a middle ground that exists. It is obvious to me that this area will not be swayed with ignorant, fear driven, conspiratorial lies.

          Thanks for keeping me honest.

      • Bass Man

        My comments are strightforward and understandable to common folk, however, elite Marxists have a hard time understanding English. But I’m sure most understand Russian and/or Chinese much better, or you may soon.
        If you want more of the dismantling of the country and more illegal aliens invading the country, murders, crime rising, high inflation and fuel prices, keep voting for the dementia patient Joey.
        I doubt most of the respondents to this post are veterans, as many Democrats abhor thee thought of joining. I love my country as many of you, but it is falling apart before our eyes. If you value what freedom an liberty we still have, vote Republican. Or don’t vote.
        Pretty clear for you Tony Baloney?

  5. Bill

    Let’s bring up the recent Senate bipartisan immigration bill, pass it in the House and Senate, send it to the president, and implement it instead of parroting right-wing talking points.

    • Bass Man

      Mr. Bill,
      Have you read the highlights of the wonderful bill you embrace so much?
      It will still allow thousands to come into our country. Is that what you want? Do you have relatives in Mexico you want to walk in?
      What is the reason they need all three issues in one bill? Why not vote on each separately?
      I’m sure the Democrats want it that way to demonize the opposing party. Biden created this problem with an executive order, he can issue another to correct this abberation of justice. But who cares, as long as they can keep blaming the party that had no hand in the border disaster. They will beat that dead horse all the way to November.

  6. Tony Baloney

    Wow BM,

    Are you honestly trying to tell people that if they are not going to vote the way you desire, they should not vote at all?

    I often get the impression that you are either on a satirical bend, or you are purposely trying to make the maga crowd look even more unhinged.

    The immature demand that others should only vote the way you desire is antithetical to the foundation, spirit, and purpose of our constitution and form of government. This attitude is entirely unpatriotic and fundamentally un-American.

    You do not want to be tread upon, yet you desire to stomp on others freedom to choose. WOW!

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