by Barry Hastings ... if I told you the third leading cause of death among Americans is "medical error?" Heart disease is #1, cancer #2, mistakes by medical professionals #3.…
The Wayland High School junior varsity softball team won the Fruitport Invitational Saturday. The Lady Wildcats took out Northview 10-7, Muskegon Oakridge 11-6 and host Fruitpost 12-7 in three very…
Sarah Brewer, a 2006 Wayland High School graduate, finished 36th out of more than 2,200 runners at the Fifth Third River Bank Run Saturday in Grand Rapids. Brewer was a…
The Wayland boys’ varsity track team finished third in the O-K Gold Conference meet Saturday in the cold, wind and rain. The Wildcats came up with 116 team points. Ottawa…
Mary H. Mary H. (Bach) VanEe, of Dorr, died Friday, May 13, the day before her 97th birthday. Mary loved to cook and bake for people she cared for. She…
The Wayland Middle School Drama Club will present "Fairy Free For All" at 7 p.m. Friday, May 20, at the middle school cafeteria. In the Never Never Land, time is…
by Mike Warner While visiting my mother-in-law she gave me an article titled ‘Urban district, suburban community’ from the March 23, 2016 Holland Sentinel newspaper. The article focused on the long-term…
Allegan County Sheriff's authorities arrested a motorist for fleeing police and suspected drunken driving in an incident early Saturday morning that resulted in a fatal traffic crash. An officer from…
Perhaps the Hopkins varsity softball team members have been watching too much Detroit Tigers baseball on TV. The Lady Vikings led 6-4 going into the top of the seventh and…
The Hopkins girls’ varsity track team successfully defended its O-K Silver Conference championship Friday by winning the league meet in surprisingly easy fashion. The Lady Vikings, still ranked No. 7…