City shoots down housing plans for now

City shoots down housing plans for now

Artist's rendition of new housing. The Wayland City Council Monday night severely wounded, but did not kill Gun Lake Investments’ plans for a residential development at the former Cars2Go used…
Two Wayland teams place in OM contest

Two Wayland teams place in OM contest

Two teams from Wayland Union Schools competed in the Odyssey of the Mind state competition at Middleville Thornapple Kellogg High School. The high school team (shown above) placed third in…
King & I: Heading for primitive camping

King & I: Heading for primitive camping

This week the boys participated in a history program, “Walk Through the American Revolution,” at their school. The program is provided by the California Weekly Explorer program. The two-and-a-half hour…
Coralie Miller is FCA Coach of the Year

Coralie Miller is FCA Coach of the Year

Coraiie Miller (far left) celebrates her awards with family members (from left) her husband, sister-in-law Pam Ritz, brother Kenny Ritz, Deb Merchant, Judy Ritz and Nicki Cardosa. Wayland High School…
Evie Mathis clears 12-6 in indoor track meet

Evie Mathis clears 12-6 in indoor track meet

Wayland High School junior Evie Mathis competed at the Michigan Indoor Track Championship Saturday, March 8, at Central Michigan University and brought home runner-up honors. She competed against top athletes…