The Hopkins Township Board Monday night tentatively agreed to award the bid of Mugen Construction for construction of an extension of the Township/Village Hall to the library, connecting the two…
Eighteen are residents took part in the semifinal round of the Gun Lake Winterfest "Gun Lake Idol" talent contest Wednesday night at the casino and 10 will move on to…
Stuart Lee Sebright, 64, of Allegan, died Sunday, Feb. 12. Born Oct. 6, 1958, in Kalamazoo, he was the son of the late Clare Everett and Avis Marie (Smith) Sebright…
(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr) COVER PHOTO: Lawrence Jones pumping gas for a motorist at the Jones gas station in bygone…
Makala Goddard Kalamazoo Christian lifted its overall season record to 16-3 Tuesday night by stopping the visiting Martin girls 43-31. However, Clippers’ coach Ben Schipper didn’t do a lot of…
Harmony Laker Wayland pulled out a tough overtime match at Grand Rapids Catholic Central, 59-53, Tuesday night, to keep its hopes of an O-K Gold championship alive. The victory kept…
Tristen Perry: 24 points in win Victory at Kelloggsville Tuesday evening was expected for the Hopkins girls’ basketball team, but it was sorely needed. The Lady Vikings have hit a…
Senior Wildcat girls' bowlers Senior Wildcat boys' bowlers The Wayland varsity bowling teams both took out Wyoming 29-1 at the Rock 'N Bowl Lanes Tuesday in the last home appearance…
The Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday evening had no difficulty in recommending the City Council approve a request from Recco Products, 702 S. Main St., to expand its manufacturing facility.…