A story from more than 40 years ago can be used to help explain the persistent misleading assertion that the City of Chicago bans guns, yet it has among the…
Allegan County continues to do strikingly well in avoiding serious consequences from the Coronavirus. The death toll of seven is just one more than a month ago and the figure…
New lights are shining at the Ron Stehouwer football stadium and track. They replaced the more than 35- year-old wooden pole lights with energy saving LED lights.
A 26-year-old Schoolcraft woman was killed Friday evening in Leighton Townshi when the horse she was riding was struck by a car. The auto struck two horses near the intersection…
This week, our team has been continuing our work to create a plan which meets the needs of all students. We've met with our Return to School Committee and reviewed…
"Say the secret password, and a duck’ll come down and give you fifty dollars.' — Groucho Marx, host of the game show “You Bet Your Life.” I was once selected…
“The science should not stand in the way of this,” said Kayleigh McEnany at a recent press conference where she was responding to questions about children returning to school amid…
As the 10th anniversary of the Enbridge oil spill in the Kalamazoo River approaches, Michigan Native American Tribes say they hope progress is made to prevent an even larger disaster. Michigan…
“Politics makes strange bedfellows” — Adapted from “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare. This time honored phrase is perhaps the best way to describe my relationship of eight years with Robert…
by Robert M. Traxler In Portland, Oregon, peaceful nonviolent protesters set up barricades to keep people in the building housing a police union headquarters, and then set it on fire.…