Review of Ready Player One *** 1/2 out of five stars Currently in theaters “Shall we play a game?” — Joshua, the AI, in WarGames (1983) by Walter G. Tarrow…
“Why shouldn’t things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.” — George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet, and…
A funny thing happened on the way home from the forum Tuesday night. I came to the painfully obvious conclusion that the United States of America really is a house…
Team #6090, Wayland Wildcat Robotics has qualified for FIRST Worlds Championship and will be heading to Detroit April 25-28. A team spokesperson said, "Our robot held up awesome to the relentless…
It was indeed a wet and wild weekend, as lot of rain, gusty winds, snow. ice and sleet visited West Michigan in the middle of April. An unusual sight was…
by Austin Marsman At least 100 people attended a public Michigan Department of Environmental Quality hearing Wednesday on a marina expansion request for 30 slips and a boat launch on…
by Lynn Mandaville There is a horrid wail coming from the television, and a broad red band with a severe weather warning appears at the bottom of the screen. If…
West Superior Street at its intersection with Clark Street was closed for a spell Saturday morning as Consumers Energy workers were at the scene to secure the power pole until…
The Hopkins baseball team has won four of its first five contests thus far this season. The Vikings defeated Fennville 10-4, swept a doubleheader with Wyoming Godwin Heights and edged…
Wayland Union Schools is going green with a number of earth friendly initiatives. One of the ways they are reducing their carbon footprint is additional recycling efforts to reduce the number of waste/trash…