Barry Hastings: Trump challenges all our decency

Throughout the many years I’ve been writing for publication, I’ve periodically promised readers I’ll never knowingly tell them an untruth, a mistruth, or an outright lie. These days, I’m forced by the times, to add a new category — to wit: the “alternative fact.”

I leave these kinds of things to Donald J. Thump, the sitting majority of the U.S. Senate (particularly their leader), the sitting minority of the U.S. House of Representatives (and their mouthy leadership), and the “acting” heads of countless agencies and departments of the U. S. government, appointed by the most cynical, lying president the nation has ever known, with self interest his only motive.

Nor would I be writing for this web site if I didn’t know the publisher holds similar views about the responsibilities attached to the work.

Now in my old age I could and sometimes do, weep for the great leaders of our past, from Revolution to modern times and hope-to
heaven they are not aware of what’s become of America, Washington,
Adams, Lincoln, two Roosevelts, not to mention Grant, JFK, and the
still living Carter, are, or soon will be, rolling over in their graves because of the (almost) countless lies, and other misdeeds (throughout his life) of our current president and his appointed minions.

The glory of our past means little (or nothing) to these wastrels. The only thing that matters to them and their leader is money, and lots of it. Trump has been screwing money out of small businessmen and contractors since he started in business lo these many years ago. He’s ruined (financially or morally) many, if not all, of them he’s had dealings with. Take a look at the list of those of them now in prison, or headed there just over the past three years lawyers, soldiers, heroes, businessmen — somehow he manages to corrupt everyone he comes in contact with.

Don’t say God Bless America any more. Say God Save America. It will be heavy lifting, even for God.




  1. Don't Tread On Me

    Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids. Barry, select another subject- you’re in the train tunnel – can you see the very small light growing larger? That’s the Trump train, coming to roll over Democrats again, in an overwhelming blowout. I can’t wait to watch the media talking heads crying and wringing their hands!!! Oh, how sweet it will be – again!

    • Lynn Mandaville

      DOTM, do you even know another song? TDS only applies to those of you who defend the man. You are the ones deranged enough to continue to support him. Learn another tune, dear boy. You’ve become an irrelevant Johnny-One-Note without an ounce of subject matter to share in defense of an amoral degenerate.


    I couldn’t agree more, in fact I think you went too easy on this “man”. He is THE most despicable human walking this earth, period! I have several friends who believe he is doing a good job, just look at the economy they say. Short sighted I say, look at what he is doing to America long term. Foreign policy, foreign relations are a shambles. The Iran mess would not have happened had he not pulled out of the agreement with them. I could go on and on but I won’t. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on him here, I am not alone.

  3. Kenneth L Hamp

    DTOM.. you’re answer is kind of comical, and very much sounds like one under the influence of mushrooms, Adderall, or some other mind altering drug. Do you Troll the net looking for Trumps name to be mentioned so that you can pounce on someone like a true Trump lover? You’re the one who I am very anxious to hear the first week in november…groveling and hiding in your home from embarrassment. Mr Hastings column was very informational, honest, and made much more sense than your shallow comment.

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