Basura: I’m hearing a lot about Trump. It’s not good

Mike Burton2In 1952, when Adlai Stevenson was running against Dwight Eisenhower for the presidency, he was told that well-educated, intelligent Americans would vote for him. Stevenson replied, “That’s not enough. I need a majority.”

I’m hearing a lot of things about Donald Trump. I’m just saying. Lots of people are talking. I’m not going to say that Donald Trump is a buffoon. But I’m hearing it. You listen, and you hear things. Carnival barker. Clown. I’m hearing a lot.

Vietnam vets are saying he dodged the draft for years, until he finally got a high lottery number. I don’t know, but a lot of people are saying that. They’re saying he’s morally corrupt. Duplicitous. Grotesquely misinformed. An egomaniac. I don’t know, but you hear that a lot.

I’m not saying those things are all true, but why do you keep hearing them? They say that he inherited a lot of money, and then cheated to get more. Those tax returns; what’s that about him not releasing them? Some people are asking questions. His companies didn’t always pay their bills. What’s that about, people ask.

I like Melania Trump just fine, but she’s not even his first immigrant wife. Wife #1 too. The second wife was more in keeping with his America First theme, but then he backslid a little with #3, Melania. His immigration policy: Shut down the borders, unless an Eastern European model wants to come here? Again, people are talking. Tax cuts for the rich; people are saying that might be self-serving.

I’m hearing that some of the top republicans aren’t on board with Don. People are talking. All the Bushes. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-NH. Mitt Romney. Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. R–Fla. Gov. John Kasich, R-OH. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-IL. Larry Pressler, R-ND. Richard Armitage. Sen. Ben Sasse, R-NB. Brent Scrowcroft.

What about George Will? I’m hearing that he just changed his registMichael Burtonration from Republican, to Independent, because he’s not on board with Trump. I haven’t talked to George Will, but I’m definitely hearing he’s not happy with the presumptive nominee. A lot of people are talking.

Trump University people are talking. I hear it wasn’t a very good school. What they’re saying is that it was just a way to separate older people and poorly educated people from their money.

Donald said “I love the poorly educated.” Trump builds great walls, he said so himself – but does he build great universities? I’m hearing, not so much.

That Mexican judge, Judge Curiel (I know, he claims he was born in Indiana, but I haven’t seen the birth certificate, have you?) scheduled the court case on Trump University for November, but after the election. Is Senor Curiel just trying to get on The Donald’s good side? I don’t know. I get my information from people, and from People Magazine, and from the Internet.

I’m hearing that Sarah Palin is solidly in Trump’s corner. Future Secretary of State? Just like Chris Christie; future Secretary of Transportation? I don’t know, but you hear it. Ann Coulter as White House Press Secretary? Maybe get Michelle Backman back into public service — I’m hearing maybe Supreme Court Justice. Herman Cain as Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare.

You can hear a lot by listening. Did Yogi say that?


  1. Free Market Man

    And what do you hear about Mrs. Clinton?

    Or are Democrats so ashamed to have a person of such low standards of performance and her shirt-tail grabbing of her husband’s popularity to propel her to the White House instead of her own attributes for the job, as poor as they are? At least Bernie was honest and truthful – he was a Socialist and never waivered – you have to admire him for his stance, unguided as it is. Mrs. Clinton has never been anything but what Obama is – a Marxist and Alinskyite – in short, another term of those dreadful Obama years.

    I’m all for a woman being president, just not a person of such low moral standards, lying, devious, and unpatriotic as is Mrs. Clinton. My ideal woman as president would be someone like Margaret Thatcher – tough, determined, intellectual, cooperative – and a great leader. All of the attributes greatly lacking in Mrs. Clinton.

    • Mike Burton

      So, I take it, Free Market Man, there is no defense for Donald Trump?

      • Free Market Man

        He isn’t being investigated for improper handling of secret and top secret communications, nor does he have a foundation under investigation – it really is the bank of Clinton. You need to concentrate on your pigs in a wallow before you start slinging mud on others, but being Democrats, they never “squeal” on their own.

  2. Robert M Traxler

    I am hearing Secretary Clinton is under FBI investigation; I don’t know if it is true, I am hearing it. I am hearing she has taken tens of millions in pay to pay from Wall Street; I don’t know if it is true or not, but I am hearing it. I am hearing she took millions from countries that murder gay folks and oppress women; it may be true or not, but I am hearing it.

    Mrs. Clinton violated the Secrets Act and lied to the parents of the dead at Benghazi; it may not be true, but I am hearing it. Mrs. Clinton said was rejected by the Marines because she was too smart and strong; she said the Marines were scared of smart, strong women. I know a number of Marines, and they are not scared of much.

    I am hearing Mrs. Clinton defended the murders of cops and hates the military and she abuses her employees, especially those in a uniform.

    Mr. Trump has not spent his entire live feeding at the Government’s trough; I am hearing he is not endorsed by the big government establishment types of either party; I am hearing that is not a bad thing.

    I am hearing Mr. Trump uses and works with unions; Mrs. Clinton served on the board of Wall- Mart Corporation an anti-union corporation

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