Both ‘Cat bowling teams defeat Unity Christian

Both the Wayland High School boys’ and girs’ bowling teams turned back Hudsonville Unity Christian Monday afternoon, 29-1 and 17-13, respectively.

“I expected a closer match today, but our home lane advantage was too much for Unity Christian,” said boys’ coach Sherry Miklusicak, who noted Unity’s only point was by just five pins.

Wayland won the Baker games 172-147 and 150-112. Bowling well was Louie Harnish who went 4-4, Jayse Henkel, who managed three of four strikes, and Dominik Baker filled three out of four frames as lead off bowler.

So the Wildcats jumped out to a 10-0 lead.

“I truly expected the Crusaders to bounce back, but that wasn’t the case,” the coach said. The ‘Cats took 8 of 9 points this game, losing only one point.  Dominik Baker was high game with a 196, followed by Kyle VanEss 189, and Wil Dewing 165. Louie Harnish took his point as well.  

The second game was much more relaxed and I just let them bowl.  Anchor Kyle VanEss was the high roller of the afternoon with a tremendous 255, followed by Dominik Baker 208, Jayse Henkel 162, Raynie Arendsen 158, and Wil Dewing 141.  The team shot a fine 924 game.

The Lady Wildcats bested Unity Christian, who took first in pre-conference by just two spares over 14 games.

Game one in Bakers was not anything to brag about, but it was close, as Wayland lost by only four pins.

“We needed to take the next Baker game and we did, by 19 pins,” explained coach Eric Bottrall. “That small victory put our team ahead 6-4 as we took total pins for the Baker games.”

In match one, Lily Keech took her point, as did Jasmine Ortiz, but Wayland lost total pins by nine pins.

“It came down to the last ball rolled, as the Unity anchor struck out for the win,” Bottrall said.

Unity took seven of nine points this game and the score quickly tuned in the Crusaders’ favor 11-8.

“We knew we needed to take total pins, so we had to win the second match by more pins than we lost match one by,” the gurls’ coach added. “Our first score was lost by only three pins, a rough start. Our second point won by Lily Keech was a nine pin difference.”

The third point was taken easily by Jasmine Ortiz’s 145 game.  Faith Rabideau kept her fight going and won by 11 pins.

“We took total pins this game by 60,” Bottrall said. so that means we got an extra two points for grand total, too.”


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