City Plan Commision to have hearing on PERC designation

The Wayland City Planning Commission will have a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, on the zoning designation of Planned Enterprise Residential Cluster (PERC).

The hearing will take up whether or not PERC zoning should be eliminated or kept. Planner Kirk Scharphorn Jr. of Professional Code Inspections recommended two months ago it be deleted because it was no longer useful.

PERC zoning was eliminated along Reno Drive in order to making zoning there more consistent. Scharphorn adjusted PERC zonings to B-2 business and I-1 or I-2 industrial.

City Councilwoman Tracy Bivins in March asked the Planning Commission to not permit building of an apartment complex to the south and west of Baker Elementary Street on Sycamore Drive. She said she lives on the street and the traffic is backed up as far as Pine Street Elementary when school opens and closes each weekday.

“You can’t even get a fire truck down that street (Sycamore) at those times,” she commented. “I wonder if the city would be liable.

“And the traffic problem at Baker seems to have gotten worse this year.”

However, Bivins since has relented and at Tuesday night’s Planning Commission meeting she said she now believes property owner Valerie Drummond’s plans for building apartments at 633 Sycamore will not negative affect traffic on the street.

She said she had a change of heart after personally talking and walking the properties with Drummond and Carolyn Cook.

“I don’t want to take away investments of people in their own lands,” Bivins said.

Drummond told the commission that if the property had been zoned something else when she bought it, she wouldn’t have made the purchase.



  1. Tracy B

    Not in favor of aparments However I am in favor of Val’s idea of elderly condos/ assisted living. She also talks about splitting the acreage up to have several houses and their own road. I still don’t believe apartments can go there with Commerce being so short and the heavy traffic before and after school. Commerce and Sycamore are heavily used by people to get through town quicker. Thanks

  2. Why haven’t you commented on the recent ultra cheap land deal the city has just snuck through? Interesting…….

    • Shameonyou

      Im not sure how it’s “snuck through” when it was done at a public meeting and had been on the agenda for over 2 weeks.

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