Clipper Logo_6_4The Martin baseball team got on the winning track Thursday by sweeping a doubleheader from Marcellus, winning the first game 8-5 in a stunning comeback and taking the nightcap 7-1.

Tyler Smith came on in relief in the first game and picked up the victory as the Clippers scored six times in the fifth inning to erase a 4-2 deficit. He then started and picked up the win in the second game.

Smith was also the hitting star of the first game, getting two hits and scoring twice. Clayton Brenner also had two hits and other safeties were recorded by Scott Kerley, Garrett Altman and Joey Verberkmoes, a freshman playing in his first varsity game.

Brenner had two RBIs to pace the attack and the Clippers helped their cause with nine stolen bases in the game.

Smith pitched 4 1/3 innings, giving up five hits, striking out seven and walking four. He gave up only one earned run.

In the nightcap, Smith was outstanding, giving up just one unearned run. He struck out seven and walked only two.

Caleb Hunderman led the hitting attack with two hits, one a triple, and scored twice while knocking in three runs. Garrett Altman, Smith, Brenner and Hunter Gilson added hits. The Clippers stole seven bases in the second game.

The two wins brings Martin’s season record to 2-4, while Marcellus slipped to 1-8.

Martin will be to host Fennville Monday.

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