Dems object to Allegan County GOP’s manifesto

The Allegan County Democratic Party has issued a written protest against “a letter from right-wing activists in Allegan County” that was leaked earlier this week. 

Allegan County Democratic Party Chair Helen Goyings said in statement, “The letter makes outlandish statements regarding the role of government, abortion, separation of church and state and gun regulations, showing a total disregard for the law, in addition to the wide range of beliefs held by the people of Allegan County.”

The letter reportedly was sent from Republican Party precinct delegates, addressed to all local office holders.

The communication insists on:

“Complete adherence to the Constitution of these United States of America (in its original intent) and the Bill of Rights in all matters addressed therein and only those matters as they both authorize and limit the lawful actions to the federal government.

“Keeping one’s oath of office is mandatory. Strict adherence to the defense of the aforementioned rights as stated in this Constitution, against ALL ENEMIES, foreign and DOMESTIC, acknowledging that many of America’s enemies hold office in our government(s).

“The oath always takes precedent over the desires of one’s constituents.

“The Constitution was written at a sixth-eighth grade level at the time of the signing, so it is expected that all elected officials read and understand the content as intended.

“Complete adherence to the Constitution of the State of Michigan in all matters addressed therein unless:

Amendments are contrary to the Constitution of these United States of America, amendments are contrary to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

“Complete adherence to the Republican Party platform unless: Portions are contrary to the Constitution of these United States of America. Portions are contrary to the Constitution of the State of Michigan. Portions are contrary to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

“There shall be NO compromise with the Democrats, none what-so-ever! The Democrats desire to work together, they must come to the standard of the Constitution(s), as stated above and to the Republican Party platform.

“Each elected official is expected to understand that there is no longer just a difference in politics or policy between the Democrat Party and the Republicans who would live in freedom with responsibility and accountability. Every current goal of the Democrat Party is destroying America, freedom, family and faith in our Creator, Saviour, Provider and Sustainer.

“Compromise and cowardly complacency will no longer be tolerated in those who claim to be Republican by We the People, the Precinct Delegates of Allegan County.”

Goyings, who ran as a Democrat for supervisor at Watson Township in 2020, wrote:

“I am deeply concerned about the tone and content of the letter, but this is exactly what happens when extremists are leading voices within the Republican Party. The letter only serves to create a hostile political environment in Allegan County at a time when we should be finding common ground and solving real problems.

“As Democrats, we stand for the principles of democracy, including that all people are created equal, that America is a democracy by and for the people, protected by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. We believe the duty of government is to endlessly strive to make the ideals of freedom, justice and opportunity a reality for all in equal measure and that fighting for these ideals is our purpose as a political party. These are all principles we can all agree on.”


  1. Phil Liszewski

    I know most of my neighbors around here are Republicans. This idea that the Dems are your enemies is propaganda that has been spoon fed for too long. If there is evil present, it’s in that divisiveness. You all need to get a grip.

  2. MacDougal

    Look at the actions of Democrats and their allies. Any rational understanding of what this country stands for compared to the actions and goals of Democrats makes it pretty difficult to argue that their goals aren’t the ultimate destruction of the country.

    • Jake Gless

      Hey “MacDougal,” I can’t speak for the self-service of people like Pelosi or Shumer, but there are for the first time in our state’s history more Democratic than Republican voters in the four counties that West Michigan comprises. Most of my friends and family are liberal. Not a single one has the “goal of the ultimate destruction of our country.” That is just severely undereducated and socially toxic rhetoric. Do better.

      • Ralph capone

        Following the constitution is now considered extremism? Of course, that’s coming from the party that wants to sterilize and rip off/add body parts to a child too young for a rated r movie. In some cases, even as young as 6 years old. I’ll take my flavor of “extremism” any day.

  3. Kerry Murray

    I’m a Democratic, born and raised in Allegan. I’m not the only one. This statement from the “Republican” Party is a disgrace. They get elected and just ignore others who they are SUPPOSED to represtent. They ignore the laws at will. This little “manifesto” speaks volumes.
    Time for a change in Allegan.

  4. mary lynn Hindencah

    I agree, the Republican party is who is destroying this world. They are not above the law. If Donald Trump would have not been in Office, this world would not be as messed up as it is. He is not above the law. NO ONE is above the law. Republican party is a disgrace.

    • Just an ol' farmboy

      Please explain how the Republicans are destroying the world?
      They aren’t pushing the totally unrealistic green initiatives, they are not pushing gendering to grade school children and trying to remove parents’ rights in these and other matters, they are not trying to destroy the second amendment and the citizens’ right to own guns and most of all the are not slowly chipping away at “we the peoples'” everyday God given rights.
      I think this should be obvious due to the malarkey we all just went through with the Covid fiasco. (A trial run for the future “international emergencies”?)
      I consider myself a conservative, but have never and hopefully will never just vote straight party ticket. I vote for logic and common sense, of which there seems to be less of all the time on both sides of the aisle.
      In my opinion, both parties have gone off the deep end in many ways, but we as citizens need to find a way to bring this country back to a logical center. One thing I feel strongly about is term limits on a federal level.
      McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., etc., etc. have been in Washington way too long and wield way too much more power than they should be allowed.
      Another major change is the elimination of special interest groups and their lobbyists.
      I would also like to see the media reigned is as for the truth in reporting accountability.
      Maybe this is crazy or unrealistic, I don’t know. One thing I know is it seems that biblical end of times prophecies are coming to bear.
      Just saying.

      • Jake Gless

        “Just an old farmboy,” you referred to logic multiple times in your points why the liberals/Democrats are causing it to “seem that the biblical end of times prophecies are coming to bear.” Let’s take a look at your points:

        1.) Lefties want to address climate change instead of ignoring it.

        How will ignoring climate change stave off these approaching biblical endtimes?

        2.) Lefties are pushing inappropriate sexual content in the public schools.

        You a parroting braindead right-wing media culture war garbage because conservative politicians have literally nothing to offer Americans in regard to improving healthcare, education, or our environment. The public school system has multiple avenues of accountability. If you know of anything inappropriate happening in any of our Wayland Union School buildings, speak up. In fact, name the *closest* school district to us where you find school content objectionable. Doubt you can.

        3.) Lefties are trying to “destroy the 2nd Amendment.”

        There are likely over 100 million more guns than people in the US. How can anyone logically fathom an America that is not oversaturated with guns? Not logical at all. Rather, we have a school shooting epidemic. Republicans care more about school shooters’ right to access a semiautomatic firearm than they care about innocent schoolkids’ right to not get massacred. Our Republicans refuse to do anything to protect school children beyond labeling our kids as acceptable loss.

        4.) Lefties are taking away Constitutionally-protected rights.

        5.) COVID was a conspiracy.

        6.) The media needs to be held accountable for lying.

        This is either gaslighting, or you have my sincere pity if you honestly follow national politics and yet arrive at these conclusions.

        • David

          Jake, Jake, Jake, I think you would be happier sticking to things like playing with a ball and or rolling on a mat. My opinion. Good day.

      • How is this for a explanation OFB:
        Alaska Republican Rep. Eastman of the family values party says it’s actually a net benefit to society when a child dies from abuse and neglect because of the financial burden it would otherwise put on the state budget. And we all know about Fox News, which I believe you are one of their victims! But remember (JESUS IS COMING)

  5. “NO compromise”? This is equivalent to NOT thinking for ourselves, blindly following orders. A glaringly obvious historical lesson is applicable.

    A closed-minded, blind, local interpretation of the living document ignores the message of “united we stand, divided we fall”.

    With regard to said constitution, we are far overdue for a revisit of the 1954 Johnson Amendment. These supposed “love thy neighbor” organizations are obviously NOT following the requirements regarding political preaching. Hitting them in the purse with their share of tax contributions is necessary at this point.

    When will the most righteous start wearing their armbands out in public? Will they bring back the Bellamy salute as well? It’s worthy of note that the righteously ignorant followers from history also believed they were the ones doing God’s work and considered themselves the true Christians.

    This inflammatory, ignorant, extremist, rhetoric has been brewing in the shadows for decades. Humorously themed, dehumanizing ideals have propagated online for far too long.

    Many of us have been watching. We understand the lessons of history, and we are far more prepared they they would like to admit. Our fallen ancestors would have spit on this “letter,” they would instinctively understand the intent. Luckily, they trained many of us well.

    It is supremely unfortunate that those “on a mission” have not paid attention to the lessons of history, let alone the principles of their “good book.”

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