Dollar General, Wolverine Power site plans approved

by Robert M. Traxler

The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday night unanimously approved site plans for a Dollar General Store on 142nd Avenue and a Wolverine Power Co-Op facility in the local industrial park.

The new store will be constructed starting in the spring just west of the Township Center, which includes Booth-Hilaski Insurance.

A concern was raised by Commissioner Dan Beute about the construction site dragging mud onto 18th Street, and along Trustee Terri Rios expressed concern about drainage right of way.

Professional Code Inspections conducted the in-depth site plan review.

Dollar General will hook up to the municipal sewer system.

The site plan for a Wolverine Power Co-Op 16, 320-square-foot facility was reviewed. It will construct an operations center in the Dorr Township Industrial Park, employing nine full-time people and more in emergency situations.

Beute noted that the plans called for a barbed wire fence to surround the outer perimeter of the facility and the township zoning law does not allow barbed wire less than six feet off the ground.

The approval of the site plan review was contingent on using high strength steel and not barbed wire.

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