Dorr park pavilion gets vandalized yet again

The back door of the South Park Pavilion in Dorr was kicked in sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. This is the fourth major act of vandalism since July. A spokesperson from the Dorr Parks Commission posted on Facebook, “We, as a Parks Commission, cannot beautify and make things better in the park if we are constantly having to spend money to fix things that someone/group of somebodys keeps thinking is ‘cool’ to vandalize. If you have any information on this, please either contact the township or Allegan County Sheriff’s Department. Please understand that we WILL press charges for destruction of property, and that we will be looking into cameras for South Park to deter these vandals in the future. This community deserves much better!”

1 Comment

  1. Virgil R Gleason

    Maybe a couple trail cams would be in order?

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