Dorr Township Fire Dept. to get a new Pierce pumper

This is a prototype of the 2016 model of a Pierce Enforcer.

The Dorr Township Fire Department will get a new fire truck within the next year after the Township Board Thursday night approved purchase of a Pierce Enforcer pumper for $556,635.

The new truck, which has yet to be assembled, will replace Engine No. 310, which is approaching 25 years of service.

The money will come from the fire department’s fund that was approved by voters in August 2016 and there will be a little more than $9,000 left in it after the electronic payment is made Friday to Halt Fire, Inc. of Wixom. Township Treasurer Jim Martin pointed out the fire fund is expected to grow by $40,000 more before the end of the current fiscal year with tax collections.

“It looks like we have the money to buy this truck,” remarked Supervisor Jeff Miling.

Fire Chief Gary Fordham

Trustee John Tuinstra asked Fire Chief Gary Fordham why he didn’t look into buying a cheaper used unit.

Fordham replied, “I’m not going to put my people in jeopardy just to save a couple of dollars… We looked at all kinds of manufacturers and we did our research. We believe we’re spending our money wisely to get the best equipment. Fire trucks aren’t cheap.”

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:

• Received annual fire report from Fordham, who said the number of calls in 2017 was up about 6 percent over the previous year, a record number of 177. Fordham happily announced that the Dorr Township ISO fire insurance rating was changed from a 6 to a 5. He said the reasons for the improvement were more than adequate fire supply and solid working relationship with neighboring departments.

“We’re lucky to have good people working with us,” the chief told the board.

• Agreed to pay part-time maintenance employee Jesse Miling time and a half (holiday pay) for his work turned in on Christmas Day. The board also will work to clarify the township’s policy on holiday pay for part-time employees.

• Approved a resolution to renew its surcharge for use of the Salem Township Transfer Station for depositing large refuse.


  1. Robert M Traxler

    If our firefighters are going into harm’s way, they deserve the best equipment we can afford, nothing less. Chief Fordham is an outstanding leader, looking out for the welfare of his troops, good for you, Chief.

  2. Pasma

    Thank you to Chief Fordham and all the great volunteer firefighters who protect us Dorr Township citizens. Guess we know what is a priority for Tuinstra! That’s the best thing about Election Day…having the opportunity to vote AGAINST Tuinstra!

    • Eric Young

      John asked the question for informational purposes. Before he asked the question he said I’m going to ask because there are people that will want to know why we don’t get a used one. John never stated anything to imply he wanted a used one in fact he voted yes on the approval for a new truck. Check your facts before you make accusations

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